The Reformed Swan

It is never a bad thing to want to take care of a poor kitty. Never.

I'm trying not to be cruel on the internet. However, I noticed how everyone assumes there is absolutely nothing wrong with him. Not saying that there is. But, there may be. There doesn't seem to be any indication for compromise. Idiosyncrasies could be jargon for something not acceptable.

I'm sorry. I don't know if you are a man or a woman, but if you are a man I don't believe you will be forever single. The odds are in your favor.

The age, the age. I knew Mansfield died in the 60s. If I had to guess I would've thought Hargitay was born in the Mid-70s.

It still shocks me to know that Jayne Mansfield is Mariska Hargitay's mother. First, I didn't think she was old enough for Mansfield to be her mother, but apparently she is 50-51 years old.

Not to mention news of her being found is almost 24 hours old.

Sometimes when you have a crummy childhood you want to have a happy ending. Why read what you always live?

I'm not a stoner and approve of this snack.

It's not about Alex, specifically. It's about figuring out how to harness this power of gaining followers so quickly in order to help said questioner (or questioning entity) to take over the world. The bottom line is always the pursuit to take over the world.

What is this "she killed me first" business?

That movie was horrid.

Everyone's wooden execution of their lines in that movie triggered me.

Clay Aiken is no Democrat.

No one says it does.

No, you started it off as some white vs white thing. When it probably boiled down to misogyny. There is a lot of misogyny in and out of religion. In Texas there is a lot of bible thumping. That means a lot of misogyny. Again, black male bible thumping GOP would've won over any race non-bible thumping female. And

Until I started reading the internet several years ago, I would've never known how much people expect perfection from everyone. It is truly astounding the scorch the earth all or none people expect out of everyone from politicians to a 7 year old sexually curious little girl. Everyone must know every single correct

Now we are moving from Bible Thumpers in Texas to young people in general? I know a very diverse group of bible thumpers in the state of Texas. Bible thumping support comes before anything.

I think it has more to do with Bible Thumpers who tend to support white males and then bible thumpers in general. If it had been a black male Republican bible thumper and Wendy Davis then the bible thumpers would had elected the black male bible thumper.

Ann Richards did win Texas once. So, yes there could've been a different result.

Davis and Abbot are both white? If white women vote their race first what does this mean? Is Abbot more white than Davis?