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As someone who already lives in Canada I worry that I’m still in too-close proximity to Trumpistan.

Trump is Professor Quirrel and Pence is the Voldemort tumor growing out of the back of his head. The guy is a full-blown nutjob that makes Ted Cruz look reasonable. 

She also said this a few hours earlier.

I felt such incredible pride watching her concede—never have I admired her more than her confronting the greatest wall of adversity any of us has ever faced in public life. She was truly presidential through each oncoming wave of adversity and malice, starting 18 months ago. She WAS the president during her speech,

If you haven’t seen it, look up Van Jones’ remarks from tonight about how race factored into this election. He refers to it as a “whitelash”. It was as much about fighting back against a broken political system as it was the conservative white population fighting back against the great strides we’ve made around

$15/hour for three kids sounds cheap in my notoriously expensive neck of the woods.


*Sigh* It’s just insane to me that we are unwilling (because we could figure out a way to do this if lawmakers made this a priority, but they won’t because they’re too busy cutting taxes for the rich and shit) to pay the people who care for and educate our kids a good wage. It’s insane. Of course, it’s all because

You know, this election has forced us to examine race and gender relations like no other moment in American history. The NYT has a great, somewhat skewed (the author was basically asking readers to care about the feelings of white men to which I’m like no bitch but thanks), article on white male fragility, which I

Plus, most areas have a commercial grade kitchen that you can rent for a very reasonable rate.

Stories like this are just so tragic, and depressingly common. People are so capable of hiding things that when loved ones find out the truth it’s devastating. Like, maybe they knew that their spouse had a bit of a problem turning off the internet at night before bed, but who would presume that that was because they

neiman marcus, where the 1% can pay 500% to eat like the 99%.

Are kids getting shittier as human beings, or does advancing technology offer more options for them to be shitty, or are we simply more aware of their shittiness due to said tecnology? All three?

Yeah, tell me again how girls are the only catty, gossipy bitches.

I hope the school administrators, the bullies, and the bullies’ parents live with this guilt until their dying days.

That’s his O-face as well, I’d wager.

Do you tell them it is happening today?? Police are murdering Black people in the street with no semblance of justice. They are modern day lynchings. It enrages me to no end that people look at this past and think “Wow that is so unbelievable” but then we have crazy, horrible shit happening today that surely (god

Dude this cartoon gave me the willies, even as a child. When I was little I just found Le Pew annoying. Now as an adult I’m pretty sure it was that whole lack of consent and overt sexual harassment thing.

James, you joke but it’s disturbing how little sexual agency female characters had in those old cartoons. I was watching an old Tom & Jerry with the kid and Tom falls into a dress and wig and is immediately descended upon by all the local male cats who attempt to “kiss” him/her despite protests.

As the locals would say, he robbed them blind.