
Aside from all of the other obvious awfulness: “Rudia”

Eh, or don’t. It ain’t you.

It occurred to me that they often speak with a similar tone and cadence. Very, very odd. But I vastly prefer Cartman.

I personally hope even after the election more and more shit keeps coming out about him. He doesn’t just deserve to lose, he deserves to have his life upended.

Nah, just your typical rich white dude.

Can someone please explain to me why many states are totally cool with Stand Your Ground laws/using deadly force to “prevent death or great bodily harm” but this little girl faces life in prison for shooting someone who repeatedly threatened to kill his entire family with that very gun?

Why can’t these companies just pay the artist for their work fairly?

OH FFS. Of course they didn’t try to contact mental health professionals. If they’d done that they wouldn’t have been able to have th3ir sick ass “fun” with the guy, and be hailed as the next poster of among the part of Trump’s base thay is for Trump’s idea of “LAW&ORDER” where racism runs rampant. I bet there is

You can be a Hillary supporter and you don’t have to preface it with the hipster “not my first choice...” Bernie is dunzo. He has been dunzo. Either go whole hog on Hillary or accept that you’re going to be lumped in with Trump supporters in the baskets upon baskets of deplorables.

I really don’t have many friends on FB at all and it’s so funny to see the people still proclaiming “Both candidates are awful! I can’t stand either of them.”

I feel kind of bad for him. Like, I imagine him, many decades from now, as Whatever Happened to Nevermind Baby Jane? sharing a derelict mansion with the Blind Melon Bee Girl.