
It'd be even more awesome if each time you used it, you were helping power SETI@home.

I think this list might be from an alternate universe where I'm actually cool enough to know two of the authors in the flesh.

@D0ct3r: Let me direct you to the entire oeuvre of Anne Geddes.

@Arkestral: "This widdle Bella is going to grow up to be a plumber"?

Not as classy as this one.

@AlfLup: Also, get off my lawn. (Seriously though... is nothing sacred?)

I married my wife

@deechirichi: I'll see your Gosling and raise you a Seth Rogen instead of Franco. Belly rubs all around.

@arttmonkey: Lack of education and access to birth control. Reticence to use said birth control for religious, political, cultural or personal reasons.

@Smeagol92055: Oh my- I'd think maybe hanging onto the Precious all that time did you in on the kids front ;)

@Smeagol92055: Yes! My very skeptical ovaries twitched seeing this.

@Smeagol92055: Yes! My very skeptical ovaries twitched seeing this.

I hope Sarah Oleksyk makes the list next time... she is the business.

It's going into totality in 9 minutes for me but I'm too scared/cold to go outside again... too much witchery afoot.

@Beatcamel: I would have gone with this one instead:

@ShadowStaarr: Sorry about that... I posted and then saw that @Zenneth had already posted basically the same comment below. I couldn't delete so I thought io9ers might like to see more Hackergate fallout.

@zenneth: I was doing that too per a Lifehacker post from earlier this year. Now my string is corrupted though.