
Does a hamster have a soul...only Kia nose.

Man the design of the Mazda 3 still looks good, and will continue to look good for another 5 years with minimal external changes. If only they would get out of their own ass and make a speed 3 already. 

Lotus Elise is the same. Insert key, turn key, then press start button.

Cars with a traditional key require only turning the key to start. Cars with a push button typically don’t have a traditional metal key or slot. The S2000 required a combination of both, which is extremely uncommon on road cars.

I also drive a MK7 (2017), it’s a blast to drive and beyond practical. Seems like the perfect car for this.

My 85lb german shepherd loved riding in the back seat when we went out with my tall children, or I’d put the seats down and cover the back with a blanket so she could sprawl out.

Editing to add - Mine has 115k and

This is a case of CIATA (Civic is always the answer).

You know they’ll just get another Subaru.

Pre-refresh turbos had the most engine troubles. This is one of those. The timing chain tensioner, no matter how many times they “revised” it with a TSB, would back itself out of the engine block - and expose an oil channel behind it. You’d lose timing, and drain all of your oil, at the same time. The N18 in the 2011

Sure seems rare.

Cooper S’s aren’t expensive at this point in time. Too much for what is here. The extra $4,000 seems pretty steep for the badging, reskinned seats and wheels.

Mini just has too many special editions that it’s hard to treat one as any different than the other. Considering how cheap you can get these, it’s very very hard to justify paying basically new car MSRP after 20 years.

Why is no one talking about the fact that they brought back the split window!?! 

I think it’s more about the size.

See, now THAT is clever, and funny. Stickering someone’s car is a dick move, but putting a business card like that under the wiper is gold.

There’s a bit of deceit in the “average engineer” driver type of statement. They used different engineers at each track but a couple of them are basically amateur race car drivers vs. the average 55yr old ‘vette buyer who at best took a lap around the neighborhood HOA looking for mailbox violations.

Perhaps there are some missing details but it doesn’t sound like he tried to use it as a trade for something else. It sounds like he went back and tried to just get a refund. As anyone who has ever bought a car knows, you can’t just drive it around for a while and then bring it back to the dealer and get a refund.

I keep a handful of business cards for one of those “We Buy Junk Cars for Cash” places in my glovebox just in case I see one of these parked nearby. Figure they could use the awareness.

Remember back when Tesla tried to say if you wanted to sell a Cybertruck, you HAD to give Tesla rights of first refusal at MSRP? We’ve come a long way, they were originally worried about people flipping these things and now they realize nobody fucking wants ‘em. Of course Tesla doesn’t want it back; they’ve got

Ahhhh yes, buying one of the ugliest and most obnoxious cars, wrapping it in the most obnoxious color possible, then putting a FAT QR code on the back doesn’t make him a huge attention seeker. He’s just upset about the type of attention he’s getting lol suck it up buttercup. Actions and decisions have consequences.

I have. Not very well. :) There are still songs from my childhood, played on 8-track in our old Dodge van (lots of Simon and Garfunkel, Starland Vocal Band, etc.), where my brain expects to hear that “cha-chunk” sound switching tracks at a certain place in the middle of the song.