
lots of 4R comparisons here.  I’m trying to read through this--I mean AWD isn’t 4WD off road capable, right?  Or have things changed in the AWD world that makes it a legit off roader?  I’m confused.

Most people will never admit to paying a markup —kind of like people are vocal when winning at the casino, and silent when they lose.

Not as extreme as this but a somewhat similar story: in 1997, me and 3 others wanted to travel from KS to Tempe, AZ for the Fiesta Bowl (K-State’s biggest bowl of their history then). None of us had cars roomy enough to trek across the country in. Being $ conscious college kids, I looked at rental options (that also

That was my thought too.

Bowling Green Daily News says Cardwell was apparently going to sell the truck to a couple

Of course the real answer is none. Cars aren’t investments. Even the darlings of today (Integra Type R, 90's air cooled porsches, Ford GTs) have done little more than keep pace with inflation.

Agreed. Plus, if I’m looking to utilize the services of someone who drives/wears flashy and expensive items, all that tells me is they need someone (me) to pay for it all. No thanks.

I agree with you that I’d rather have a replica of the Toyota truck than a Delorean.

Maybe if it was actually used on the show, Dynasty.

They will remember, I’m sure of it!

I wrote this on Oppo years ago, but since my dad is currently in ICU fighting for life, I think it’s ok to repost again in his honor. Hang in there Pops....

Heresy, I love my Austins.

almost $30k and 150k miles. Hahahahahhahahahahhaha.  Thanks, I needed a good laugh this am.

It’s not completely insane given it should in theory be more reliable than others on the list. I agree with the underpowered, but disagree with the handling comment. I owned the prev gen Si which is a quite similar chassis and the handling is phenomenally good as the author mentioned. In fact, the chassis is so good,

Hmm, I think you’re on to something. I’d just modify slightly to a lightly used Honda Fit with the motocompacto.

My grandmother owned one of these in hardtop back in the 80's. Strangely, in her (now my) small KS town, there was actually a Renault dealer if you can believe that for a short time. Here’s what the 1 car showroom window looks like today (also was a Datsun dealer for a short time IIRC).

I’d like to see AmmoNYC get in on this

Just a little more