
Anyone who puts spelt in a cake can GTFO.

It does sound delicious but I have in fact been to Violet’s bakery and their cakes are gross. I was desperately craving cake and their only options were chocolate & spelt, rasberry & courgette or violet. I mean what the fuck does a violet even taste like you pretentious cake ruiners?!

Girl, you know it’s true. Ooh ooh ooh, it’s my prerogative.

That’s the big reveal of Season 3. Thanks for spoiling it.

One of them is named “Finn Wolfhard”. You lost that battle the second that name was created

When I was a waitress, a customer once went up to my manager and told him I was great and deserved a raise. Um, hey asshole— you can just tip me more. That’s how waitresses get paid.

Avocados with grapefruit.

10/10 would still watch the Netflix wedding special if only to see if Antoni caters the reception by just placing 100 avocados on plates and calling it a day  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Now they all are outta work, work, work, work, work, work, work.

I don’t like it when people’s décor tells me how to live my life.

Whoever approved that ad should be placed in an overhead bin.

Holy shit how tone def can you be? That being said, Punch Chris Brown

If I hear anything that sounds like the wheeze of a Medela, my anxiety spikes.

Seeing that bag of pumped breast milk spill, I thought, “This is a horror movie. NOOOOOOOOO!”

Well to be fair to all the bible thumping rubes, Obama was exceedingly black.

Ah, Stormzy. He hits the sweet spot where all the middle aged ladies like me love him and [my friends]’ tween/teen daughters also love him and are utterly embarrassed by us. There aren’t many of those - all of the 1D children look like hobbits to me.

No one uses Excel to plan their wedding...its definitely a Google Sheet. How else can you both check it when you’re randomly panicking about it at work?!

Reason, and I’ll say it slowly: “pee-niss.”

Civil plural marriage is not yet legal, so: no.

Oh but you missed the best photo - where they are both LAUGHING