
I would feel sorry for her for these things...on the other hand, she did sign up for exactly this job and by doing this job, she’s quietly doing harm to every woman out there who can’t always look perfect in heels 5 hours after childbirth and doesn’t have two nannies to watch her 3 kids. The ideal she’s upholding is

That’s a very American way of looking at it. Class is way more linked to money in the US, whereas in the UK it’s very much about blood. 

At some point, having great hair just isn’t enough.

The coverage of her purported faux-pas wouldn’t be the same if she were white. Someone did a great side by side of the same papers covering the same topics for Kate and Meghan, and for literally every single thing that was covered as an embarrassing mistake from Meghan there was coverage of Kate doing the same exact

In Britain, what class you are is not about money, but about bloodlines. Doesn’t matter how rich her parents are, they’re not “upper class.”

Brit here and yes all these things are true. I don’t think the article puts Kate down at all. It lays out the facts of her royal life, which is a carefully curated existance.

Is that really a conspiracy theory at this point?

This, this, this.

Everybody Slowly Starts To Appreciate Raymond

My parents always did stockings or things too big to wrap (a bike, for example) are from Santa, gifts under the tree are from parents. I think it was more of a practical thing, that they would wrap the gifts ahead of time and put them under the tree. We also follow the Scandinavian tradition of opening gifts xmas eve

This is easy- My first real job out of college was an account executive for a major cosmetic giant. I got promoted to a larger account and was told my boss would *challenge* me. She was a religious fanatic and a complete fuckface asshole that used her Catholic faith to belittle, demean, and insult everyone she worked

Sorry for the double post, Kinja probs cut me off and posted before I finished and there’s no delete comment button still.

When I was 8 or 9, I received 1/3 of an elaborate Victorian-style dollhouse. It came flat packed, so my two cousins and I received all of the parts and the trappings wrapped up. We always traveled to see that side of the family for Christmas, so my family opened presents before we left. I do not remember receiving any

My mother in law gave me terrible presents while I was dating her daughter. One year I got a sock. Not two; just one. (She later found the other sock, but really?) Another year I got a wallet, but the pockets to hold cards were so loose that every time I tried to use it, all the contents would spill out onto the

Gah, one job I had also cut the Christmas bonuses one year and gave us vouchers for turkeys. It was more insulting because they had the money for bonuses, but they felt like they should show the public they were “cutting back.” Note the CEO still got a massive raise.

one year, my brother gave everyone framed photos of himself & his new wife with the pope!

told her no thank you, on the spot.”

A few years ago, my mother-in-law gave me a pair of niceish socks. They were exceedingly boring and in no way a thoughtful gift, bit I did need a few pairs of decent socks, so whatever, I said “thanks, I’ve been needing to get some more socks.” She replied, “good, because I tried giving them to my dad and he didn’t

My uncle hates those chocolate covered cherries they sell at drugstores during the holidays. So of course, he gets 20 boxes every year as “gag gifts.” He’s pretty fucking sick of people who think it’s funny. It’s been going on for years.

I have had a vegan diet for a very long time (not the judgemental kind as I live by my own ideals and respect others who live by theirs. Also, I have never met or wanted to meet another vegan) and I think it was Christmas of 2005 that my place of employment was handing out turkeys because they were too cheap to give