
I’m a bigot and so’s my wife!

*tentative pat*

I can't even add a nope gif to this. My heart is actually hurting.

Turns out I like you AND your husband!

On Saturday I had to leave a birthday party before they cut the birthday cake. I was so sad I had to (HAD TO) stop at the shop on the way home and buy a cake.

Again, equal parts of amused and horrified. Picture me smiling, and backing away sloooooowly...

That is a tragic tragic tragedy. I am a cake worshipper myself, a cake obsessive some might say (and some have!) and I can’t even imagine a cake so bad... well to be completely honest I just don’t want to. I dont want to live in a world where cake is not good enough to eat. Hold me.

How... how can a cake go so badly wrong??

This comment has left me equally impressed and terrified.

23 hours plus emergency csection here. I hear these stories and feel so envious!!

I think perhaps if he was wearing a tweed jacket and drinking a cup of tea, what what!

Oh yeah that is hard. We do like to share our war stories, and honestly I think that that is important too, but ONLY when you are part of that world too! It’s so good to hear that everyone else is having a few troubles and hardships too. But when you’re expecting your first and all you hear is awful stories that

That's lovely that your Dad wanted to be there!

Then my work here is done!!

40 weeks of having no control is the best way to put it! I am doing well. Sleep deprivation is NOTHING compared to the 9 months of morning sickness I've just had, I feel amazing now! Good luck x

If it didn't go on Instagram, did it really happen??

WORD. In my first pregnancy I was preggers at the same time as Beyoncé, and I compared myself to her RELENTLESSLY, even while telling myself endlessly that I didn’t have a trainer, a chef, a stylist, top photographers etc etc. The pressure to be a “yummy mummy” (vom!) made me so mad.

You will have so much fun! My #2 baby was just born 2 weeks ago, I’m tired but ohh so in love! The happy hormones you get from your new baby are amazing, and having your own gorgeous cutie pie to kiss and cuddle whenever you want is absolute bliss. Try to filter all the people who just want to tell you “You’ll never

Yes! I even had husb take a few pics of me in labour! I look horrendous but I just wanted it documented. Maybe my kids will be interested one day, maybe not, but it was a huge thing that I went through and I wanted some photographic evidence that it happened.

I just posted up thread, but the best thing I did before both of my due dates was to get my eyelashes and eyebrows tinted. I looked a bit put together without having put any makeup on, and it helped my self esteem to look at the pics! Baby #2 is 2 weeks old now and even if I don’t manage to do any makeup then at least