
One week before both of my due dates I had all my areas waxed, and eyelashes and eyebrows tinted. My best tip for labour!! After both of my babies were born I felt physically awful: hormonal, sore, exhausted, fat, so at least it was one good physical thing to feel like I looked a tiny bit pretty. It really helped me.

9 months of morning sickness here, I’m talking about vomiting 10-15 times a day until the doc got my medication right, and once it as right I “only” had all day nausea and vommed once a day. I was taking meds that are categorised safe for pregnancy (prescribed by my doctor, not a Kardashian, and free because UK gives

I consistently lick scented soap. They always SMELL so good, surely *this* time they’ll taste good too? Nope. Still soap.

This is damn good kinja.

Star for good use of the term ‘mate’ here. Are you Aussie?

Yes! That's happened to me! They call them brand reps. I unfollowed all my friends who do it, it's so boring.

I think I’d quite like to formulate a lifestyle whereby I end every sentence with ‘thank you and shut up’.

Stassa! This sentence “But that’s, of course, conjecture; bats tell no secrets.” nearly made me stand up and applaud! Beautifully written article.

And maybe Jennifer Anniston also has 16 secret babies, that would be sweet revenge for all of those “Jens pregnant!” headlines.

Bloody well said!

Just be warned: IT’S STILL HORRIFYING.

THAT is a hard lesson to learn and a good one. It’s essentially looking after yourself by refusing to allow negative (or stressful) people in. I’ve had similar struggles myself and I’m unapologetic now about not allowing time for negative people, or people who makes demands on me (however innocent or well meaning)

So glad you found him in time. Yes I agree about anger, I think there’s a place for an anger that drives you to battle injustice (for example) that is a good thing. And in my case (maybe yours too) an anger that comes from vulnerability and protectiveness that is hard to express other ways.

Oh that's awful, I'm sorry for the loss of your friend. I hope his wife and children are getting along okay, what an awful situation.

Yes all true, and I have a history of depression and suicide attempts myself. But right now all I can see is that his actions, whether intentional or not, have hurt people so badly that I can feel no sympathy for him. I guess that will change as the shock and hurt wear off, but right now I'm furious.

I hope you are feeling better now.

Thank you cats, that's really nice of you.

Thank you, that's really beautifully said and I appreciate that. I'm putting your comment on a post it note on my wall.

Yes we’ve been close friends for over ten years. Actually what you said about being protective really resonates with me, and I hadn’t realised that is what’s causing my anger. She’s the sweetest, gentlest person, and deserves to be loved and not abandoned like this. Not that anyone does, but you know how sometimes you

Oh wow that does sound terrifying. I hope he's gotten help now? Thank you for saying that about the anger too, it is hard not to feel like the anger is a bad thing but I'm starting to see that it's natural. I'm a pregnant stay at home mum and rely financially on my husb right now too, so I'm probably projecting a bit