

That tiny jerk!

“It’s tea though”. Does this mean something? Am I just Too Old to understand?

We all witnessed it!!

Oh well yes, but He totally helped me get a great parking spot the other day though.

You know what they say, going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than sitting in a garage makes you a car.

Yes you would think that wouldn’t you. But no, these are narrow minded Christians of the thinking that ‘If God condemns something than I bloody will too’. There’s an awful ‘holier than thou’ attitude they have than I have seen summarised as “well I’ll pray for you, but you should know that what you are doing is wrong

This is amazing.

I saw MM at a music festival where I’d taken acid for the first time. They came out on stage, then suddenly this 5 metre tall sign lit up behind them saying DRUGS and the entire crowd went CRAZY. Because we were all on drugs! And the sign said drugs! And we all loved MM because he understood us and loved us! Yeah I

The ONLY time I’ve ever been brave enough to say something when my ultra religious closed-minded family started up with their homophobic trash talking, I said something along the lines of “I really don’t understand why you are so fascinated with this topic. If you are *truly* against it I would have thought it more

Oh represent! I am so completely on guard for the MOMENT my kid is old enough to soak up any of the racist, sexist, homophobic, narrow-minded religious rubbish my ex-clergy parents in law believe and subjected their children to. I began a campaign of absolute avoidance on any tricky topics with them whereby I just

Oh I have a LIST of questions for when I finally get my Q&A session with God. Starting with WHY EXACTLY it is necessary for a baby in the womb to be given direct access to kick a pregnant ladies bladder. There are a lot of things I’m going to need explanations for frankly.

For SOME people maybe. My hunger-induced pregnancy vomiting is real, lasts for my entire pregnancy, and is entirely unpredictable. I mean, people in a queue have a choice to let me go ahead of them, or enjoy their food while I vom on the floor behind them. Now excuse me as my own comment has made me nauseous, ughhh.


Oh God no. 20s were angsty, teens were worse. And how about all the people who would say “Your school years are the best years of your life?” Those crazies.

I didn’t even add that her live in boyfriend was a hairdresser! Of course we went straight back to narrow minded male assholes after her, but for one shining moment we were progressive.

Good attempt at negotiating kid! After this one I have in the oven I suspect I will be done. I love babies, but I couldn’t put myself through another pregnancy. It’s too rough on me and my whole support crew. I wanted four originally until I found out that my body hates pregnancy!

I had an emergency cs first time and am planning a VBAC this time so I'm all hopped up on my rights and the statistics! I'm in the UK and by the sounds of it things are quite different here. I hope it goes well for you and your wife!

Australia got the trifecta: a woman Prime Minister who was unmarried and an athiest. TOP THAT USA!

The hospital won't do VBAC??? That's awful! What is their reasoning?