
This sounds like the plot of a movie that I would totally watch.

In my head the steps go like this though: 1. I start something and I'm bad at it. 2. Hilarious/gruelling training montage set to funky/inspiring music. 3. I'm awesome suck that haterz!

Oh. OH. Oh dear me, no.

The Romans AND the Vikings invaded my new home town many many years ago. I often think that there must have been atrocities all over the damn place.

My sister and her friends once had a wedding dress dinner party, which sounded like fun, as long as no red wine was served!

Oh dear, oh dear. You can work through that, I believe in you!

NO. No. Surely no??

Shhh, we know you're not kidding and we won't tell Dr Surgeon.

She definitely workshopped and rehearsed that pose. I *love* it.

Is that child hovering next to Steve Sanders? What is happening here and why? I need context.

Finally I am in a majority group.

If it had more of a cute swingy a-line skirt I would totally get it!

Warm the pot, turn it three times to the right and then once to the left, I know the drill.

You have never had a cup of hot tea?? I would be questioning the circles you move in! I have been in training to have tea with the queen (royalist step-mother) since I was a wee nipper. China teacup, don't clink your spoon, don't slurp the tea, I know my tea etiquette. I say go to a charity shop and buy yourself a

You could look for shops set up for British expats. Look for the brand PG Tips, they have pyramid shaped bags, and are one of our most popular brands. For a stronger cup, try Yorkshire tea, it'll put hairs on your chest!

Came here to say both of these points.

Halfway through pregnancy with my second and this is exactly the thoughts I am having now. It sounds so dramatic and over the top in my head, so glad to hear someone else say it too though!

Ugh what a cow. I'm sure this means that you will get to marry the handsome prince she had her sights set on for her own wicked daughter though.


Dunno what that means. I'm an Aussie and Aussie bands who use fake US accents also annoy me. Even at my church, the singers who are Aussie and singing to a mostly Aussie congregation in a non-televised service whack on exaggerated fake US accents. It's like we have been conditioned that this is the only way to sing.