
The "It's more likely than you think" line actually made me snort out loud and wake up husband!

Oh well, maybe you all do so well because you're hiding intense mental problems, now I am starting to wonder ;-)

And yet you still consistently turn out the nicest people ever. Seriously every time I have thought go myself "That person was SUPER lovely", they turn out to be Canadian.

Really? I always thought Canada was awesome at everything, healthcare included.

Jumping in to agree with the other posters and add some anecdata. I live in a smallish town in the UK and when I asked for a referral to a counsellor my GP told me it would take so long to see one that she wasn't going to bother giving me a referral. So while yes we do have the services, they're not bloody available

Ohh I am feeling a bit thick for not even considering that other people wouldn't have said this to you too. That lady was dumb, that was your story, end of.

After describing these so appetisingly I believe you are now obligated to make them and bring them to my house. Move it Pie!!

Oh my sister is a nightmare with diet also. Vegan by choice, but then intolerances to dairy and white flour, plus she also won't eat white sugar. She usually just gets steamed vegetables without butter if it's not a specifically vegan restaurant.

Did they believe you??

Was she Aussie? In some states we call potato cakes 'scallops'.

And grounds. That's when you know you've made it, your house doesn't just have a garden, it has grounds.

AGREED. I didn't throw my bouquet. I sent it to my Grandma who couldn't come as she was sick in hospital. My Mum told me that she showed it to all the other patients on her ward. Far better than making my sweet single friends compete for it. I hate that tradition.

Her parts in Pitch Perfect were HILARIOUS, and iirc she also produced it, which is pretty fab.

Nailed it.

I like the way you think.

That story is part funny, part traumatising.

Fart party.

"I've officially mastered the art of going to the bathroom without pooping on myself"

Barbaric is right. And then when I start thinking about it like this, ANY surgery that is just for cosmetic purposes starts to sound bloody stupid. I understand reconstructive surgery for people who have been in accidents or have birth defects, but just not liking your nose shape or your body weight or boob size, I

But look at that fat skeleton on the left. It'll never be a Disney Princess skeleton, tsk tsk.