
I am a woman. I can confirm this theory.

You are so nice Burt. You're like, the people's Jezebel writer. That sounded much more snappy in my head.

The air plant idea sounds cute! I spent NYE by myself once. I had a bottle of sparkling, some nice cheese and a good cry. It wasn't my best night.

I don't know, don't write him off just yet. Some other Gawker sites have this stupid trope of "Ugh Jezebel feminazi's" and he could have just unwittingly bought into that. When I met my husb he had some bizarre views that I questioned him on and he realised they were weird assumptions. I was glad I didn't view them as

THANK YOU. Have you ever had time off for maternity leave? I've had so much time out from the workplace now that I'm starting to feel like I'll never be relevant again and my expensive expensive qualifications are useless.

Gloves, a mask, a shower cap. Turn the shower on and squirt it all over the bathroom. If you're using bleach keep the area ventilated and take regular breaks. Good luck x

Great plan, finish yours then move on to mine?

People who your friends hate are one thing, but an abusive partner is different. It really can make a difference hearing something from a supportive friend. Your support network is the first thing that gets broken down. Don't dismiss someone else's story just because it's different to yours.

Thanks. It's cured me of homesickness to a certain extent! I'm not keen to do that flight again that's for sure.

Are you really a millennial? If so, please reread your comment, and lock it away in your memory. Take it out again in ten years or so. I know you know everything NOW, but you may find yourself becoming less of an asshole down the track, and I'd love to remind you of this absolutely repugnant sentiment "We didn't ask


This is magnificent! It's like he thought putting on the magic hold costume would instantly give him the power to dance, but instead he's just doing this little lame hop and hand waving.

This thread is pushing my buttons! I live in a different county to my family and had to make a 23 hour flight back with no notice for a funeral, accompanied by my 2yo boy. People were staggeringly unhelpful and rude. My boy was scared and wouldn't sleep for the whole flight. I was a teary, exhausted mess and would

Oh poor kids. That's awful.

Sounds like a recipe for a good flight to me. I'll be attempting to keep my child quiet with a series of snacks, toys, books, devices, songs, teddies, more snacks, furtive and cramped nappy changes in the toilets, and as much walking up and down the aisles as I can get away with. I wish I was in your shoes again

Not always an option. Any other useless suggestions?

Parents would love a family section too. LOOOOOOOOVE. Ask the airlines, not the parents. They're the ones jamming us in like sardines. It's far more stressful for the parents, TRUST.



Please bust Princess Charlene out! Happy to provide a safe house if needed. Her sad eyes are getting too much for me.