
Do you think there needs to be a plucky neighbourhood kid with a hard luck story and a comic catchphrase? Or save that for the sequel?

And then ONE day when Aretha pops by your house to borrow a cup of sugar when you aren't expecting her, she hears you singing to yourself while you're baking some cookies and she instantly realises, you've got an amazing voice! Cut to a vocal boot camp/makeover montage and voila you are a star. Million dollar

Okay Elizabeth.

Oh, awkward, I totally called dibs on this before. When you weren't listening. Shame, sorry about that. *yoink*

Hrithik!! *sigh* he is triffic, really.

It's probably clever use of a controlled rift in the fabric of space/time. And hairspray.

It's not gonna work. The volunteers would never get the good swag.


Guys it's fine, they TOTALLY emailed someone about this so just chill okay?

Never change.

I have a child who hasn't slept through the night for three months. I am permanently spaced out and fuzzy brained. And now I see that it's all training... There is a purpose... I feel redeemed...

Let's not kid ourselves that a cup of tea can fix this. Seriously, I think we need some biscuits too.

Oh, it was a joke.

Well, but you are a terrible pretentious person who admitted it up front, so there's nothing to snark on there.

Do we need to apply for permission in advance to say hubs? I'll be making a few comments today, my term of choice is "husb", that okay with you?

Cake related lies are THE WORST KIND.


His voice is incredible! It makes him seem so dapper. Delightful is a good word to use.

"Nice" is different than "good".

I'll ride shotgun.