
I was NAMED after Amy. Named for her. My mother is named for Meg. I read the book when I was 8, and even though I was only 8 I realised that Amy was not the hero of the book. Or the nice one even. I begged my mother to change my name to Josephine but she would not.
Can you fathom the extra pain and embarrassment at

I grew up in Papua New Guinea, and all my friends were black. Well, various colours of brown. I was one of 3 white kids in my class of 60. I was desperate to have brown skin like all the other kids. They didn't have to wear sunscreen, they had the coolest puffy hair, nobody stared at them when they came in a room or


I don't understand. Did he at least fall in love with you and pine after you forevermore? I think that must have been the case. I've seen the movies, I know how it works.

That was the Brits, mostly.

Yes, exactly.

You know, before I had my baby I was overweight and wished I had a baby, so really in the scheme of things I am ahead now ;-) Thanks for your kind words.

Thank you for being so kind. That's really good of you. I'm usually mostly okay about what I look like now, I should know by now not to fall into the trap of comparing! I think that's what I don't like about her "What's your excuse" line, it invites you to compare and that's just not healthy or realistic.

Wow. So glad to hear she got everything fixed, that sounds like it would be so awful to live with.

This picture makes me feel bad about the extra baby weight I'm carrying now my boy is 16 months. It makes me feel bad that all I ate today was toast because if I take too long in the kitchen he cries and toast is fast. It makes me sad that none of my family live nearby and my husband works long hours so I don't get

Okay that sounds horrible. Not to be gross or anything, but how do you move your bladder out of the way to pee - aren't you using your bladder to pee?

Nooooo it's the finger licking on public transport that I'm hating. It makes me feel deeply nauseous just to think about it. The germs, the gross GERMMMMSSS :-(

HEY why assume pants on head goes with stupid. Maybe they're comfortable there. That's just how I roll


I'm with you!

It CONSTANTLY surprises me how I still assume things are real about television when they are obviously not. I always wondered at the guts of those people who would tell off the contestants! I love that you got the chance to just let fire for $50! Was it fun? Were you mentally rehearsing your sass the whole way

PLEEEEEEASE tell the story! What was the show topic? How did you get on the show? And the sass, tell the story of the sass!!

It's all there really isn't it.

You cheeky bar steward!

Oh no, that photo disappoints me so much :-(