Those cute little paws!!
Congratulations! I had my son 8 days ago and am slowly disappearing into a zombie state. Hope you're doing better!
Ugh, now you've made me remember that kiss!!
I met a lady allergic to air conditioning!
Oh, nah, peanut butter toast is way overrated. It sticks to the roof of your mouth and clags up. You're fine without it.
Can I ask, did you eat peanuts/peanut butter while you were pregnant/breast feeding minicoolie? I've heard that makes a difference & would love to hear your experience.
Not just in the states. It's basically saying that God wants you to have money SO THAT you can use that money to bless other people. The reason it gets a bad rap though is people either misrepresenting it, or misinterpreting it, or just plain being fraudsters and making themselves insanely rich by keeping money from…
Everyone addressed your point. You slept with women. you accepted the advances. Stetten did not accept/welcome the advances. Your example is not the same.
Although, I am 32, the age that Azaria Chamberlain would have been had she lived, and have been hearing how dangerous dingoes are my whole life.
It's not a joke for people in Australia. Frankly it's always confused and disgusted me how people in other countries can joke about this. Even the headline "that woman" shows a terrible lack of compassion.
We don't love dingoes.
it was a great rant. Rant approved.
I'm coming to visit!
Hey, I've heard that some countries have cat cafes where you can do this!
Surely that's one of the benefits of being a grown up?
But did they stop reading after Romans 1.27?? It goes on to list other "bad things" as being "thinking the worst about each other. They gossip and say evil things about each other. ... and they show no kindness or mercy to others." Sounds like an accurate description of this hate-mongering to me.
Does Jezebel (or the writers) EVER respond to question like this? I see the Gawker, Lifehacker & i09 writers interact and reply in the comments but don't recall this happening on Jezebel.
It was all about the schoolbag and the pencil case at my school. You didn't want the cheap Kmart ones, you wanted the expensive surf brand ones. There's always something to compete about!
Well that's the best point I've seen on this issue so far!