
I was lucky enough to not have to hire a lawyer for my divorce, but things still got pretty nasty. My only advice is to look forward to when it’s all over. I felt so great when I walked out of the courtroom with a divorce decree in my hand. I also planned a girls weekend to “celebrate” it being finalized, and then

The best thing about selecting an attorney you trust is that you get to hand ALL THAT SHIT over to them. So focus on the task of hiring an attorney you feel is a good fit and then toss everything in her/his direction. Every time you feel yourself getting sucked into his bullshit just remind yourself you’ve paid

Stay strong. We’re behind you. XX

Find an attorney who can wait things out. One who will let your ex spend his money first. A good attorney will let your ex exhaust themselves to the point that they/you are letting them spin their wheels. Get references from friends or colleagues. I recommend going to an attorney who is not a divorce lawyer but one

Kick so much ass, you don’t have time to take names. Do not let the bastards drag you down.

My only advice? Don’t ever roll over but don’t be sold on a lawsuit over the petty shit.

Make sure you have a lawyer who is interested in your case and willing to fight for you. A recently divorced friend chose a lawyer with a good reputation, but who usually worked with high dollar clients. My not-rich-at-all friend got screwed worse by her pricey lawyer than she did her (shitty) ex. Maybe ask a well

Before you go to your meeting, write down everything you want to say. Practice saying it out loud.

GOOD FOR YOU for having a lawyer. And for understanding that the time for capitulating is over. Try to get as much paperwork as you can in order, especially on the finances, to help your lawyer help you. If it’s getting contentious and there’s a history of emotional abuse/manipulation, have as little contact with your

Stand your ground! Also, take advantage of whatever services the women groups in your area offers.

good luck! I have zero experience with this, but I think the other advice you’re getting is great- be honest, stay strong, and see if you can get a good lawyer and let them shield you from any and all the shit that’s flung your way! much love!

Best of luck, and keep your head up. You can do this.

Don’t know your personal couple history, but my only advice is 1) respond to everything with grace and maintain your dignity. My ex and his family were despicable, but I acted with grace and eventually became so indifferent to them it’s not funny. They seem to hate that. Hm. And, 2) if you have kids, always put them

Good luck. I used to practice family law in the US. BE HONEST. No matter how embarrassing. It's so much better for your case. And have patience. I hope it goes well. In a number of cases, people rolled over quickly after the first attempt at bullying failed.

I don’t have any advice. I’m just sending support.

Good Luck. I hope you get a takes-no-bullshit lawyer working for you.

No advice, but i’m sending positive vibes. It’s a step to removing him completely out of your life, and a step towards a better future. Be a badass bitch and stay strong! Hugs <3

No advice. Just a big hug and a ‘good luck’. :(

Damn straight. It’s exquisitely on-point of her to bring up the plight of working full-time mothers and how they can’t support their families, and expand the conversation away from Hollywood. As long as it looks like she’s being punished by being in this for a penny, she decided to get in for a pound. I mean, even

I had cancer at 29 and a recurrence at 31. Every gray hair is a reminder I didn’t die when I was 29. Every wrinkle is another day I got to spend with my family and on the planet because I didn’t die.