yes,baby, yes...
yes,baby, yes...
pretty much what goes on elite group decides who gets to be heard.
my sentiments exactly. but it’s tough to swat at trumps windmills, which is exactly his point.
o, must be from jolly new england. hoped never to see that visage ever again & reflexively hear that jumpy theme. thanks
he so belongs on ‘million dollar listing ny’
the trump of jezebel
*except for the compost hauling
another humph.
you married the guy. live with the consequences. better or worse. sickness & health. death do i die.
bravo for being selfish. it’s all about you.
gogo peter noone.
‘We wound up with this president because millions of Republicans could not prioritize character, decency and overall fitness to serve over their mundane and frankly petty partisan wish list.’
‘We wound up with this president because millions of Republicans could not prioritize character, decency and overall fitness to serve over their mundane and frankly petty partisan wish list.’
sessions, sessions, sessions&pence [that mary poppins song]
prefer ‘half spatchcocked’ or ‘splay-legged’
ny mag: