
·we should all be afraid of what maneuvers the grifter-in-chief might pull to deflect from tomorrows proceedings.

but biden should, with obama as his running mate

“clean up on aisle trump...”

yes. just as will ferell will forever be janet reno

if you call it a ‘belt bag’, you’re good to go.

macron & other world leaders need one of these

or, y’know, polonium tea...

who’s the puppet?

doesn’t this seem wickedly similar to donny two-scoops trotting out all those bill clinton women at the debate? cruel.

hoping, hoping covfefe means ‘i quit’

welllll, trump has her under financial lock & key...that’s what pays for her ‘spiritual holidays’

furthermore, what happened to ‘let’s keep the kids out of the politics.’

...but barron was absolutely giddy when daddy said ‘I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody...’ no problemo.

this is more tortuous than 500 days of whateverhername was.


* limit of 3 per child

my reply to clutchman, way above seems to have ‘disabeared’...