
isn’t there some kinda ‘presidential fire alarm’ we can pull?

are you clutchmans beard?

& actually, that’s what ya got right now. no qualified intelligent people in charge of matters of national security. just traitors.

not what i inferred at all...that we DO want moral, upright pillars of government representing us. & it doesn’t seem that those are the folks that signed onto the trump train...

no, you cannot defend him. step.down. when you know you are possibly throwing your entire country into chaos & complicit in that fact, you walk away. that’s a patriot. you fucking stand for your principles & whatever oath you took to protect this land & it’s citizens.

no one forced any of these men to sign on with trump. they bet on black & it’s coming up red. very red.

ask your cat...

kushner is ‘family’ to the don. long con don. same cloth, different generations. kushner kissed the ring to his advantage. not yours. haha. 

where’s the soupy sales?

thanks for the laugh. really. it peeeeeves the hell outta me that we can’t stop this lardass in his tracks. pronto.

don’t get me started...long con don & famiglia are out to fleece the country & line their pockets. all those that surround him & enable him are complicit; guilty as hell. whatever he does is with his bottom line in mind; rhetorical.

trust me: to trump, there was no one else in that room but his fat ass. those folk are just buoys or parking cones he had to navigate to get to the front to ASSERT his phony self

yah. i’d almost say you gotta make her more psycho...no pearls

pence, PENCE has been far too quiet. don’t dare tell me his ass isn’t complicit & all knowing. MOTHER may i? pfffffffft

si,si...culo grasso

i’ll, like, get my r&b, like, from otis.