pfffft...who needs ‘spying’
pfffft...who needs ‘spying’
sharing highly classified information with russians=’locker room talk’
yah...had a friend w/ kids who went when it opened...her husband remarked ‘so where’s the starbucks?’
you a buttonballer?
glastonbury ring any bells?
i find it very curious that such a ‘ragin’ white supremacist asswhole[sic] man is so meticulously bespoked & coiffed...
old hat, please.
& more people should do it...not just men, but women. get up off your asses & do something genuinely considerate for someone else. doesn’t take much.
meh. my comment is ditopian gray. while yours is whoooha. it’s exactly a mirror of society.
‘pending approval’
having run into you previously, you seem to be particularly combative.
go away with song lyrics. so tired & trite.
my favorite.
*extreme racist idiocy excluded from above
i’m going to go out on a limb here...what many scream ‘cultural stealing, appropriation’ is actually our great american melting pot. one culture streams into another creating yet another unique offshoot. it happens in music, food, art & linguistics.
trump piñatas are all the rage
he has a five head. & since he has hair, he shouldn’t be ‘upping’ it, but rather ‘downing’ it to minimize his billboard forehead.