
yes, and ‘imaginary friend’ also applies.

thank god we’re all not batshit crazy

i kept LOOKING at her, going ‘geraldine chaplain?’ nope. mannnnn...i KNOW her...

cialis & viagra should cost $500 per. so should bullets.

i hope you watched ‘durrells in corfu’. solid entertainment.

y’know, you should have to pass the naturalization test in order to ‘earn the right’ to wear one of those hypocritical lapel flag pins...make it a ‘snap quiz’ for all the legislators. every damn one of them. long con don included.

we had to leave the kitchen when my mil would prepare sanka with sweet n low and skim milk


harvey levin is a sellout.

i think i agree with you more & more.

congratulations veronica de souza.

i’m a woman.

“Why would anyone create a state where literally no one seems to have any fun, including the ruling classes...?”

‘can you get a glass of wine?’, ‘who on earth thought of that horrendous wine/teal color scheme?’, ‘how do you dry your laundry?’

drinking glass/smash/done

thank you...it’s available for free dowload/amazon prime. will read pronto.

now yer just ruinin’ it

as an aside, for a movie in a similar dystopian vein, take a gander at ‘lord of the flies’, the b&w 1963 version. still very,very on-the-mark chilling.

my mother said teenagers should all be sent to an island until they turned 21...maybe that’s where they are.

are there ‘econohusbands’?