gogmorgo - rowing gears in a Grand Cherokee

Can’t believe I missed this. I was trying to find pictures you took of mine without scrolling through a bajillion posts on the LeMons Rallye fb page.

Depends on what you’re driving and the moose in question. Also how many times it was hit before. I ran over a decent sized deer not too long ago, took out two tires and cracked my gas tank.

Well the moose would do more damage to my car, but I suppose cyclists are arguably still people. The moose would probably be less paperwork, and getting free lunches out of it wouldn’t be frowned upon quite as much.

I imagine mule deer wouldn’t be much better. Although they at least stay mostly the same shape.

Most objects that large don’t move around. I suspect that’s the only reason. In terms of fast-object tracking it would be great to be able to distinguish between a moose and a cyclist, in the unlikely (but I’m Canadian and could see it happening) event you have to choose which one to run over.

It’s not like there’s a list somewhere with a bunch of individual cars that will never ever ever be legal. Can you do yourselves a favour and stop calling grey-market cars “banned”?

Social media attention. It’s generating buzz for them, whether they have any intention of actually locating the owner or not.

Considering other pictures in the comments display damage to the front end, sure, maybe someone didn’t see it and smacked it at fairly high speed, but would a sober person have just scarpered?

What, leaving a festival in the wee hours of the morning, sure, I suppose a totally sober person could’ve bumped into a rock that size in reverse, not noticed, and kept going...

No. They do not need a Jeep. Whoever was drunk/high enough to accomplish this does not need to be able to drive away to cause more chaos and potentially take innocent lives.

Interesting. Canadian planes struggle in high heat. This isn’t exactly surprising to me...

GM’s multifunction stalk has been in use since the early 80's up to the mid 2000's if not longer. Its shared with every vehicle using a Saginaw column. They’re all consistent. I grew up using it, three of my four complete vehicles have it (two of them are Jeeps and the fourth is a Lada) and it’s nice to use. And

Just give me an old two-stop dash knob and I’ll be happy. Halfway for parking lights and full stop for headlights. Spin it to dim the dash lights. Bonus points for high-beam switch under the brake pedal.

As a Canadian who actually purchased a Niva in Winnipeg a few years ago, as much as I applaud Torch’s suggestion, I would also tend to disagree with it. While yes, a Niva can be found quite cheap in Canada, there’s a good reason for it. They’ve always been cheap, and were purchased by the sort of people who had zero

Been posting about this beauty on Oppo. Needed a battery, a splash of gas, and some air in the tires. Picked it up a couple weeks ago, didn’t feel the need to argue the price down. Only addressed the above, changed spark plugs, topped up/changed fluids, and have just spent the night in it after embarking on a

Oh great. Yet another highway where I’ll be terrified doing 55mph in my Niva.

The Trans-Canada highway, #1, from Calgary till you hit the Cypress Hills, is easily one of the worst stretches of road. Going through SK and MB is more interesting in comparison. Also keep going down the road into Ontario... once you hit the Canadian Shield, especially if you take the northern route, the scenery does

Oh for sure. I’d definitely be more impressed seeing someone in a CRV going through this stuff, given the amount of tech in the Porsche. But I’m a nerd and yeah, the tech’s impressive. To the point it shouldn’t surprise anyone that the machine does things it was built to do.

I didn’t say great. All I said was “reasonably okay”. I didn’t see anything a stock XJ with only open diffs couldn’t make it through with a decent operator behind the wheel.

Why does it surprise people that a vehicle capable of turning all four wheels, with a modicum of ground clearance, and a decent set of tires, is reasonable okay off-road?