
One thing's for sure — there is probably camera footage of exactly what happened, so proper blame can be laid :)

Sorry, but back in the '90's, they could recover drives that had been re-written 5x per sector. Now, modern forensics, can take that to the max. Especially if every sector is re-written (makes it MUCH easier; each sector is X% more degraded than the previous read).

Nope, sorry, but ignorant response. Modern techniques (actually from the '90's!) can recover at least 5-deep re-writes per sector. Nothing, today, short of physical destruction, is safe.

Thank you! The only educationed answer so far on this thread!

No, you're ignorantly propagating the "myth". Every sector leaves a ghost of the previous state. Expert programs even 10 YEARS ago, could recover sectors over-written 5 times. Today, that is trivial - with the speed & analysis of recovery programs.

Wow - how naive you most are. Modern disk recovery techniques rebuild a disk with "ghost images" of previous sectors.

I'm a "righty". I wipe and "play" with my left hand, bowl with my right. Sorry, non-argument.

I am "right handed" - but I broke my right arm twice - 14 & 16. During most of that time, I opted to write with my left hand. I was quite good at it - chalkboards, etc. However, I slowly returned to my "right" hand.

Can you all HEAR you guys? You are completely divided over this - some say Apple's 3.5" is "enough", some say 4.x" is "enough", some say the Note's 5.0" is "enough"

Wow; I hadn't realized that sadly huge shortcoming. Yesterday, I sent this URL to my manager who wants something to carry his work laptop & iPad in when commuting on his kewl motorcycle. Granted, he never chances it when it might rain (we're in California, so it is somewhat predictable... like NEVER between May/June

Run from that RoadPro! Several years ago, I bought their 12V / battery blender, figuring I could do margaritas while camping. It was DREADFUL. On 12V, it could barely spin water with pre-crushed ice. On battery, it died after 2 minutes of equally anemic "move the liquid in a circle a bit". I then bought a

Yeah, but the iPhone's lens is made of 100% pure ground-up Unicorn dust. :)

Disappointed - from the photo, they don't look like they are "to scale". Yeah, Sears Tower (ugh, I hate the new name "Willis Tower") and the John Hancock building are impressive - but 1970's tech. Burj Dubai (sorry, Khalifa - renaming it after the one who gave money to your country to "bail it out" is... sad) should

Mea culpa! I missed him remaining at the top! My first thought, when he "disappeared" was he also thought "hey, this looks cool!" and jumped in.

All — no, I apologize! My "um" was not meant any way other than a playful poke. I watched it several times, but sadly missed the green shirt STILL STANDING at the top. I was too busy watching the spool to see if I could see starts of breaking. It took me a few watches to realize there were 3 bodies "ejected" from

Wait... you have a BlackBerry... and you admitted it? Publicly? ;)

I have a charger that will work perfectly for the iPad (3)... it charges my camper quite nicely!

Dreadful Apple-bias "reporting". On one side, you quote pixels (the original Mac was 512 wide, or 1/4 the iPad). Then, magically switch to "dpi" and say how the iPad is so much better.

If you have write access to any folder on your PC, you can download & run (note, I do not say "install") a "portable" version of many apps.

Um, no... 3 people. There were apparently already 2 in there before the video started - then the last "fool" (wearing the green, in the first 30 seconds) decided it seemed like a good idea to cram inside as well.