
Sealed doors. Calculate the time needed to open/close a door, and (a) have an airtight door on the end, and (b) another airtight door sufficiently far back enough that it can snap closed BEHIND the speeding "train". Thus, you only have to re-vacuum the "final compartment."

Quite accurate - except, Apple has a huge advantage. Since they control the hardware, there are exactly 5 iPhones in existence. Since they can "write off" the first 2, they can tailor their efforts to just 3 "evolutionary" models.

+1 (I also think this excuse is smoke & mirrors; Modders produce ROMs pretty quickly with no inside info or dedicated staff).

With Verizon, I upgraded from a dumbphone to the Galaxy Nexus - and, like every upgrade since 1998, I did not pay any extra "fee".

Yeah, from the detailed description on how they evaded motion sensors & cameras, it is very plausible that its an inside job.

ddh — excellent! Thumbs up!

Was quite interested in the Margaritaville machine - $54 and "savings of $170" sounded like it might be a valid machine. Sorry; this sad little machine does one thing: V-E-R-Y slowly cools liquids that are 70% alcohol. Small amounts.

I'm wondering (a) how is it that nobody noticed the wire strung even remotely near where a dude will be flying through the air, and (b) is whomever thought it was a good place for a wire... now quickly enrolled in the witness protection program?

Wow. So, I'm glad I'm already married. If I had tried anything like this... I would never have been able to convince someone who is so incredibly intelligent and beautiful to be my wife.


I did the same thing - the rep assured me they were specifically allowing folks to do this - add unlimited to a feature-phone and a later one-time upgrade to smartphone (ie, no downgrade).

OMG, I want my 1.5 minutes back (I could not even get half way into that crap!)

Hello, world. Goodbye (hopefully) carriers. I've been a "Verizon" customer since 1997, when they were "AirTouch" out here in California. They had the coolest commercials - a (real) blind dude out "driving" with his guide-dog - often, the car he was "driving" was being towed by a tow-truck. Still, quite fun and

alife808 - given your command of the "English language" (spelling & grammar), I must doubt your entire testimony.

Um, #1, they did have an emergency O2 bottle - that was what he was fiddling with when he crashed. #2, O2 & explosive ejection seats may not be compatible (as "salient1" commented) — though, in that case, I'd take my chance - perhaps the O2 might give the ejection seat an extra boost?

Bah, I'm envious. I'm 40 and still have less facial hair. I'm content; I proudly say that I'm simply "not the first generation in my family to be walking on 2 legs" ;)

Um, Android? 2x population? C'mon; Steve died - can't we start to get along yet?

2x Android activation/population, yet day-after-day, giz does 3xiOS-1droid. Why? Can you at least explain this "logic"?

True - at the very least, it will let my wife know why I'm going to be home a bit late ;)

Thank you "DaveWizard"