
The CTS rides and performs like a luxury car, and has all the amenities, but loses its dignity with the slanted lines and clefts everywhere.

That works. Is there a front view? Is that an historical or current concept?

The center stack and dashboard are nicely improved, (though that view of the steering wheel looks like a jack-o-lantern). The tail looks sleekly coherent, along with the whole body swoop. The wings, (I guess to some, the waterfall or the mustache), never worked for me however. I was hoping they'd ease up on the cleft

Right. That seems like a lot of work for a negligible problem. Apart from it not being that hard to track 4 or even 8 inputs, especially when most remotes can implicitly address them, most receivers, including Onkyo, allow a custom name for each input. I seems like the population of those with advanced home theater

It's clearly a well intended attempt to present an esprit de corps. It's amazing however that they would base it on one of the most reviled and ridiculed songs in popular culture. It's almost intentionally degrading itself, considering that these are companies of seemingly media savy people who would know better. Most

Fortunately the NYT still engages in accurate journalism, while this site, with its penchant for sensationalist, (ha, made you look), titles and increasingly slanted reporting, is drifting towards National Enquirer status.

It didn't really seem that funny since few "creatives" roll out of bed into lucrative careers, and have to subsidize their developmental stages somehow. It's like accusing a fledgling actor of being a waiter. I don't think "creatives" have to use Macs, but I don't doubt they have to perform a lot of menial labor, for

That seems like many more holes in the wall if the diagrams are representative. Also it's not clear that this prevents any upward push from dropping the whole thing off the wall, (though they could fix that with a security screw or two). I don't see what was hard about the usual 4 screw mounts. They interlock with the

The problem is that many journalist/bloggers blithely use the term Flash with no regard for how heavily overloaded the term has become.

But try to make it looks less like a clothes line.

I smell a kickstarter coming on. That ridiculous price is bound to disqualify that model, and leave the market ripe for a viable alternative. As others suggest, few have suffered from their 20 or even 10 year old bulbs failing, (let alone 30 year). LED costs will be way down in 10 years anyway, so bulbs that can make

Another unusual side effect I see from this condition is that the battery also charges, as well as discharges at a faster than usual rate. I can almost watch the charge climb by the minute in Battery Doctor.

Right. This is what BatteryDoctor and numerous others have been providing for years.

Envisioning it is an important part too, if that's what it was. But it's not clear that it actually represents a flat screen, rather than just an embedded one.

Not to be a skeptic, but there remains ambiguity as to whether the "plate" aspect of the set, was actually the complete set. Since it is ensconced in the wall, that could easily be a reference to only the outward side of the display. The design could be more readily credited as the first TV embedded in a wall. Other

They even make them waterproof, with wind resistant lanyards:

Maybe it's Siri eavesdropping, in an effort to get to know you better.

This is true. They'll have overshot the mark if they're not offering a set top box-only alternative. It would be a huge diversion to attempt to compete in the TV manufacturing market, with its multi billion dollar entry fee. So they would only OEM someone else's TV and look for fanatics who would be willing to pay a

Actually, on further investigation, the 50GB of storage is only storage. The fee is the same as dropbox if you want to actually upload anything. Then, while it does have mobile apps, it does lack desktop integration, so their hype was a little misleading.

That actually seems to be what box.net also offers, while upping the ante to 50GB for free.