

It's actually a lot more annoying to disrupt a story line with an obviously incongruous aside to name an inconsequential product. The only place that's barely effective is when cars, or maybe other large appliances, are featured, since they can be reasonably instrumental in a plot, and are inherently recognizable.

So it must be reading your personal data in order to detect this.

There may be something to that. Ultrasonic proximity sensors have been staples for a while. It's not clear what frequencies this approach uses, but many existing sensor models are audible to humans and must certainly fall among the higher frequencies that dogs can hear.

That also means there will soon be a glut of 4 refurbs shortly.

Yes, I've also used the Microvision, (not to be confused with Micron). The constant focus that it provides makes it an instant setup, and even allows it to work while in motion, aside from the pretty respectable image quality. Hopefully that will come out in enough volume to lower its price.

This should more correctly be called Moore's axiom or maxim rather than Moore's law. With all due respect to Moore's contributions, this has always been a rule of thumb, (I doubt he ever called it a "law", due to his respect for actual laws of nature), rather than a law, which it seems to be called just to save on

This parallels a comparable system made by Information International Incorporated, (III), which was a pioneer in computer graphics on many levels during that period. While many may know of III by their seminal work in computer graphics, they actually funded most of that experimentation by their momentarily very

The elephant is the star of that way more than the phone. I wonder if that spot took a lot of takes, or if that's a famously well trained elephant, or if they're all, (except for the ones that go on a rampage after getting abused), that perceptive.

I take it the external view of the sub, starting around 1:30, is from a different dive, or early position of the dive, unless they sent down some other unmanned escort devices, or algae can transmit images.

Where did Apple's whole anti DVD/Blu ray campaign come from? It's great to have a streaming service, and all kinds of live connections, but the addition a thin, $20 device to play a .10 piece of plastic is a very affordable safeguard against the ongoing hazard of an all too frail uplink taking a dump. Very few homes

I think he makes a good point, (quip about the author aside, since all Giz authors now seem to need to scandalize a subject, so you get used to distilling the facts). It most likely boils down to the fact that the cute naming convention is expiring, and the whole operating environment will adopt the iOS #.# name. It's

For all practical purposes, (outside of the 3 day, or solar/kinetic/fusion powered battery), the hardware is pretty well adequate for anything someone is doing away from their desktop. Until the purpose of these devices broadens to include terrestrial tuners, or kitchen appliances, the main work to be done is

Stewart's opportunity to exaggerate the incongruity of privileged tourists thrust upon a town also beset with a homeless problem, for the sake of comedy, shouldn't be confused with a real offense.

I have to agree that all this indignant posturing is a hypocritical effort at feigning sympathy for the homeless, in a pretentious effort to support them by superfluously defending them from some imagined affront.

This clip, (from a very memorable show), features several technologies. But the one that could be recognized as a relative, (as opposed to an ancestor), of Siri is Wildfire, which has been in development for over a decade and is still a viable product from Virtuosity. It's far more specialized, aimed simply at phone

Yes, they have got to get over that pointless vendetta with Google to stop cutting their nose off to spite their face. Apple's and Steve's sense of betrayal was over Google's entry into the phone market is pretty unwarranted, especially when it could be argued that it actually bolstered Apple's share by ushering in a

Seems like they must have relied on Steve to name these. Now if I want to buy this model after the next one comes out, I'd have to ask for the formerly new iPad.

I don't want to belabor this, because it's getting silly, but if you're really trying to imagine how an AI system would work, you're omitting the huge amount of sensory input that would not be provided by automated sensors, and geographical knowledge that would also not have been available. Your example just

AI has not reached that level yet. I'll take Sully over sensors and programmed logic any day.