
If they wanted to become a TV content provider, why would anyone with any marketing sense want to promote the replacement of millions of perfectly fine flat panel TVS for close to $1K, when all the necessary access to consumers would be provided by a <$100 Apple set top box. There's no chance that it would make sense

Probably, since it doesn't seem to be based on any unique technology, or any services that are not bound to be a commodity, as demonstrated by the newest competitor with its eyes on their lunch, box.net.

There should be an opportunity to integrate at least some version of this with a phone, (though hopefully not for games or texting), since this looks like a product of the Pioneer/Microvision partnership, where Microvision products are very phone aware.

I don't see the cause for contempt for Jobs, who did make real contributions, but it is a sad truth that a quiet genius, who spent nearly a lifetime developing a core technology of modern computers, which is, coincidentally, also at the foundation of all current Apple products, is largely an unknown figure.

It's the proximity sensor, which is the same on both, but only visible on the white version. The black sensor can show through a translucent slot on the black model, but can't sense through the opaque, white paint.

It's worth noting that the iCloud control panel for Windows is only for Vista and later. No XP support.

1) What's Rain Wilson got to do with Photoshop?

The whole benefit of the concept is to have hands free interaction, and most interaction involves some subsequent choices. Now you won't have to smear your Cinnabun icing on your screen, (or look away from the road in the more likely case of using this while driving).

The strangest part of this is that the phone never appeared anywhere. If it was actually lost, did it get thrown out, or is there some collector who just quietly put it in their prototype museum?

This may have the potential to rival the iPad, but for some inane reason, or lack of one, the Android store does not perform the security scan for apps with malware until -after- they're posted, leaving a window of opportunity for infections.

Siri is not just a voice command tool based on keywords, its has roots in SRI's substantial AI developments in context awareness. That enables it to make the smart inferences listed in the examples. That, with Nuance based speech recognition, (all thankfully still with a verification prompt before any transmissions),

You can already install Siri for free. There just isn't a dedicated button for it on the keypad yet.

Siri has always a good implementation of a smart assistant. It was only strangely missing text to voice, which had to be a marketing decision since they provided the much harder voice recognition part, without a simple speech generator. If this new iteration now avoids the need to keep looking at the screen for its

That would only be a valid point if AT&T and Verizon prices weren't contained by the options to choose T-Mobile or Sprint. If that kind of merger went through, there will be plenty of nostalgia for the past pricing plans.

Two companies, (after Verizon goes for Sprint), for 100s of millions of customers is not much different than the previous AT&T monopoly, that gave us toll rates to for calls to different exchanges, let alone area codes. That took 8 years to unravel. All the services emerging on wireless data aren't going to help much

The other odd element of the story is that evidently it's a fact that a, (yet to be named), employee lost custody of a prototype phone, (and maybe it's certain it was left at that bar), but it has yet to be plastered all over the media. It's absence means it was either inadvertently swept up into a dumpster, or it

It seems odd to publish someone's personal email address, (and his assistant's). Is that a deliberate effort to punish someone with spam, or just obliviousness to the consequences?

I'd say this new body style recaptures the flowing lines that helped define the brand. It even includes a subtle fin effect, while maintaining their whole fuel efficient Cd. I hope they can restore the feel of a cabin inside, which is the hallmark of a luxury car, in place of a racing cock pit, and keep the price in

The body style of Ciel/Omega platforms is quite nice, but I wish they ease up on the whole wedgie, chevron/cleft palette motif, on the interior. Angular surface inside a car tend to reduce the perceived spaciousness, and can rarely avoid suggesting excessive, gratuitous design.