Goes To Eleven

If anyone is interested in seeing some secret videos of me in my kitchen eating corn, talking about corn and talking to corn, I've uploaded them to corn hub. Check them out before they get taken down.

I was only on the site to to figure out how to stay away from the site. 

Police described the video operation, which recorded five women’s teams visiting the small Christian school

It’s “Uncommon on our campus.” Like it only happens every couple years or so.

learned of the videos”

While I didn’t think it was possible for this to be even worse than it was, now it appears he deliberately targeted the reporter and has been going at it with her about Osuna and domestic violence for a while.

+2 pages stuck together

Honestly, surprised it wasn’t a vape.

Taubman was holding a cigar

Username/comment synergy is always greatly appreciated.

The Astros will quietly say “the punishment will be handled internally and we have no more comment on the matter” in the middle of the offseason and that will be the end of it until this dude becomes GM of the Mets or some shit and has a teary press conference about learning from his mistakes, how he’s a proud father

“I am a progressive and charitable member of the community” - Harvey Weinstein Jeffrey Epstein Brandon Taubman

This is more embarrassing than my unintentional smear campaign against Sports Illustrated when Kathy Ireland was on the cover.

The amazingly boneheaded part of this is that nobody had written anything about Osuna’s domestic violence case for months. Any article someone had proposed about his domestic abuse would probably have been consigned to the dustbin by an editor.

He's actually standing in this picture. 

Can you direct me to where the line forms to punch this walking penis in the face.

“Taubman, a former fantasy baseball expert and investment banker...”

His comments had everything to do about the game situation that just occurred and nothing else