
I can't stand Chuck, but as someone that sees firsthand how (still, in 20-fucking-16!!) people with behavioral health conditions are repeatedly ignored or that the conditions themselves are mocked, I was in tears.

PS - That reads less snarky and waaay more dick-ish than I intended it. Sorry

Did you win a contest where you and three other commenters are in a rotation to get to always have the first comment, regardless of whether or not your comment has any relevance to story on which you're commenting?

Agreed. I should have been more specificThere's definitely some bloat there, and you'll never get anyone to agree to what a good single album version would sound like (what gets cut and what stays), but somewhere in there, I believe there's a good single disc that beats Appetite.

Anyone prefer the Illusion albums to Appetite?

Yeah, I cannot stand the bad edits in that song. I mean, maybe the edits themselves are okay, but the song is nearly cut in half. Why bother releasing it as a single?

Not to mention the mighty "25 or 6 to 4"

I'll check that out. Thanks!

They're nothing if not patient and dedicated.

I was reading a book and this younger girl I worked with said "you know even if you don't have a kindle or ipad, you can still read e-books on your phone."

"it's more about the thrill…" - yep. Bingo!

Kim's very first montage!

i lolz'd this

How about this, Paramount? Start a branded online series called "Star Trek: Where No Fan Has Gone Before" (or something awful like that) and let fans finance and produce their own original Trek material. Paramount releases certain criteria that the filmmakers must meet (no nudity, no hate speak, etc) and charge…

So, a "friend" stupidly told me that NAMBLA were killers. But if that were true, then their commercials that claimed otherwise would be false.

Yep. He parties harder than real life George W.*

"Hello, whore."

Yep. Echo chamber - or see X-Files S10 comments, of which 85% are what you're describing.

Agreed. I'm definitely tired of unnecessary negativity that isn't really criticism but rather someone being a fucking dick just 'cuz.

I know what you mean. Like, if you hear that someone you admire turns out to be a douche, it bugs you, but not that big a deal; but if you hear someone you admire is super nice, it's a good feeling.