
Hahaha! I'll admit, that one took me a second. :)

The sound and picture editing were both incredible during that scene.

I abuse the shit out of albums, so I hear ya

Listening now. thanks!

I've been listening to Let Go on YouTube since you first replied and am really, really digging it. Thanks!

Thanks. I've met in person and/or talked on the phone with well-known musicians because of my past jobs, but Mr. Banks might be the only famous actor, so he stands out as a highlight, but come on, he'd stand out regardless!

My Cool Story, Bro! for the day:
I met Jonathan Banks about three years ago at a pizza place in Bloomington, IN. I was living there at the time and my ex and I stopped in there on a Friday afternoon after work.

You're alright, ya know that?

Maybe there's something wrong with me in that I've never understood that attitude toward Walt. In a fictional TV universe, this girl had threatened to out him to his family and employer and would likely continue to black mail him once that money was spent, plus he didn't shoot her up with dope or intentionally do

The S3 finale of LOST is indeed one of my favorite episodes of anything ever.

I know them by name, but I could see a reviewer feeling remiss to leave out "Popular" for those who remember that song but not the name of the band who did it, just for the sake of context.

I am a 26-year-old power lifter.

At first, I thought "why didn't they get the actor that played Chiles," but now I think "why didn't Seinfeld get Vance?"

Well done. Having to read complaints that took longer to write than the actual time the K kids were on screen was as annoying to me as those who complained feigned being.

You should bookmark your comment because I think you nailed/will nail it

"Normcore" reminds me of "food porn" and "torture porn," which always made me wonder why porn didn't become "sex porn."

I guess tours coming to Indianapolis are going the way of "normal" belts, which as I understand it, went the way of the dinosaur.

I'm sorry, I'm not really picturing that being a better show - or a good one at all for that matter. Since when did it become a thing for people to take issue with X-Files having aliens and conspiracy theories as part of the show?

Yeah, that would have helped

It's clear you're a fan and it's gotta be a bummer to feel let down. Maybe S11 will be a palette-cleanser for you? :)