
I would honestly like the cliffhanger more if we knew it was a season finale - meaning more to come - but I feel like those last few minutes did something the show had never done before, which was THE SHIT HITS THE FAN.

Fair enough, but it'd be weird to drop it at this point, wouldn't it?

I know you're a fan and all, so do you really think it undid the other 201 episodes?

I have issues with the CSM's plot, but I loved the ladies in this episode.

Some of my favorite X-Files eps are MOTW, but when it was decided that six episodes was all they were going to do - with no guarantee of any further seasons/movies - that the Mytharc should have had more focus. I know that's not a popular opinion, but hey, I'm the kind of guy that blazes my own trail - like wearing

I don't think "I Want To Believe" deserves the hate it got, and I can see some subversive, allegoric stuff going on with it, but I really feel like with the way the series ended that the next chapter should have at least had some Mytharc stuff going on, if not it being the focus entirely.

Breaking Bad was mostly "show, don't tell," but man, when they did tell, they STRAIGHT TOLD, (BITCH)!

You're goddamned right!

I love you for this comment.

Yeah, he does that thing where he can go from your best friend to terrifyingly menacing with seemingly no effort.

Oooh, these are fun!
1) I call 'jokes'
2) Nah. Plus, we're on the net so "type" is what you're thinking of, not "talk." See, your advice is flawed, because you thought, THEN typed, yet you typed "talk." Nonsense
3) It's done by secret ballot. So I honestly don't know.
4) "VERDICT"? lolwut? Who appointed you judge of TV?

Requiem is a sort of forgotten classic because most people tend to write off later season eps and espcially later season mytharcs, but you can tell everyone in front of and behind the camera were giving it 110% since it was unclear as to whether it was the end or not. Love that ep

When I saw Local H last summer, Scott talked about how the night before, he met Eddie for the first time in a bar in Chicago. I can't remember the story but it sort of awkwardly came out that Scott wrote the song "Eddie Vedder," even though it only seems to have his name as a title and nothing lyrically is actually

Pft. They better do all MOTW eps. "The main plot doesn't make sense" is something I overheard a guy say once. He might have been talking about the plot to something else, but I like to think it was X-Files. When will they realize people want to see a series of one-off monsters like the Shit Demon from Waco or the one

I was trying to be as clear as I could because seriously, I don't know if you're casual, hardcore or none of the above. And I feel like going as far as to say both "wouldn't presume" and "I don't know (how big a fan you are)" was my way of trying to be direct and not call you a non-fan. Maybe I could have been more

Yeah I'm a defender of the show and revival, but that was a little…I wanna say "shittily written" but it wasn't even written, was it? Or was Skinner's "do something, Mulder" all the exposition we needed to assume he and Scully had their jobs back?

Nah, I don't know man. I don't know your level of fandom and wouldn't presume to guess based on your post, but for a lot of us hardcore fans, whether we saw the pilot when it aired or those of us that didn't see a single frame until 2015 when they binged it on Netflix, S10 is/was exciting and mostly satisfying.

Thank you. There is this almost bullying attitude with every X-File recap, Newswire or anywhere else both here and the rest of the web that whenever X-Files is brought up, it's "Chris Carter/Native American Mysticism/Hack/Hate Mytharc because it's up it's own ass/Only Gilligan and the Morgans (maybe Spotnitz) should

You and a couple others that post here and on the TV Club Classic reviews that actually get the story are my saving grace. So many people are acting like Carter shouldn't be able to touch his own creation like they've never actually seen this show before - or have only seen the Darin eps - and I have to wonder what

Can we get over this "Chris Carter is a hack" bs? The dude is and has been the show runner for the entire run (with exception of a couple eps in S9) and the mytharc is mostly due to his influence or direct writing.