
You could say that the Orlando Pride comes before the fall

Hard to believe the Panthers are undefeated at 3-1.

More proof that hockey doesn’t work in Canada.

the ocean is fucked up

It really is the little things.

This makes me all warm and tingly.

This should really boost his Yards after Catch numbers.

I love the work they’ve been doing with Heads Together, and the candid conversations they and prince Harry have been having on the topic of mental health. It’s showing the royals in a more relatable way than they’ve seemed in years

It was the most NFL players that have ever attended a White House visit EVER!

What a great read.

Godammn didn’t even know he was sick. God bless his family

Little Jerry’s going to get his clock cleaned

This is what happens when you focus too much on RPI and not enough on the sniff test.

Uh, that’s what I said, dude. Next time, you might want to actually read “all of that”.

The Deacs have a handful of crucial losses where huge 2nd half leads evaporated because their guards decided to chuck up 3's while Collins twiddled his thumbs under the basket. Fixing this has been Manning’s most important job of the year. As a WFU fan I just hope Collins hangs around one more year.

Also grey. I don’t know what’s going on in your life, or how bad things are. But, The Orange One can be stopped. It’ll take everyone to stand up, and we need you to help hold the rest of us up.

For a guy who’s maybe never met a dog, he excels at whining like a little bitch.