
I can't wait for the eventual people proactively saying Avatar 2 had no cultural impact and Avatar 3 will surely fail.  Yep... I'm not assuming that this time.  I learned my lesson. 

you people are so goddamn stupid it’s stunning

I’m vaxxed and I’m fine. Quit being a baby.

“What we know now?”

Hey now! Kevin McHale wouldn’t have played a kid in a wheelchair on Glee if he knew “what we know know”. This is a joke because we know everything we knew then now and I’m making the comparison to what you just said.

I’m not insulting you with this snark I’m insulting Evangeline Lily* Even two years ago any sane person

At others, the show comes after Meghan in a way that could potentially be seen as a step too far, depending on where you stand on this whole affair as well as the general tone of South Park. “Isn’t it true, sir, that your questionable wife has her own TV show and hangs out with celebrities and does fashion magazines?”

I enjoy a good SP takedown as much as the next fellow, but this one felt unnecessarily nasty to me, especially with how they treated Meaghan. It reminded me of the overkill on Sarah Jessica Parker in “Scrotie McBoogerballs” (along with some examples from earlier in the show’s life), but at least in that case it was

As long as they're serving interesting characters and fun performances, I'm fine with the formula.

This will be a huge blow to fans of season 5:

S1-2 are hilarious and brilliant. S3 is almost as good. I think I only ever watched one episode of S4 but it was dogshit enough that it killed my desire to see any more... but NOT to go back to the start. They bear rewatching and I’ve gone back to them numerous times. You heretic!

I guess Netflix blue themselves

To be later shown on the now also cancelled Reboot

The board room at Netflix right now:

Tambor was a major asshole to Jessica Walter, for sure—she said as much in that cast interview with NYT: “In like almost 60 years of working, I’ve never had anybody yell at me like that on a set”, but she later said that Tambor apologized and she forgave him for it: “I respect him as an actor. We’ve known each other

...and that’s why you don’t make bad licensing arrangements.

Is this only Netflix US? Cause if it stays on Netflix in the UK, that can mean only one thing:

I kind of hope Hulu doesn’t add seasons 4-5, because I’ve always liked the idea that someone might find it there, and watch the original 3 seasons, and never know the revival happened.