
Hey Charlie! I got a movie for ya: A Fridge Too Far!

I hope he’s Stilt-Man. I hope someone is Stilt-Man.

I guess Mickey Mouse accounting is now a literal term.

Fuck off

When these celebration specials mention “the laughter” in the title that’s usually a sign I’m not going to be laughing much. 

If you’d like to be further annoyed, Danny Glover actually might not have quite turned forty when he was cast for the role of aiming to soon retire Roger Murtaugh in the first Lethal Weapon film.

For many, this means sitting down for a rewatch of Richard Curtis’ Love Actually, which turns 20 this year.”

In theaters Nov 23, on Netflix Dec 23. Since it’s absolutely impossible for AV Club to include this shit anymore.

“and everyone understands why”

While it will never be able to escape the weight of losing its main actor and choosing to soldier on anyways, I thought it told a really interesting story and filled out an already vibrant world and group of characters in one of the stronger recent MCU movies

I found myself losing all my misgivings about her as the movie went on honestly. she’s definitely said some dumb shit and I hope she chooses to educate herself instead of doubling down on it, but purely in terms of the art her performance in the movie was pretty incredible. I also wasn’t expecting how dark they would

He’s in prison still for siding with Killmonger in the first one.

My first impression was that the smile was hopeful and the series ends right before the moment he sees Judge Judy from the back to confirm what state he’s in. Considering how much “waking dream” is thematic in Atlanta (particularly in Season 3) and the very premise AND title of the series finale, I felt like they were

Grow a skin, snowflake. Maybe it won’t hurt as much then.

Here’s some money. Go make a Star War.

Now we’ll never find out who’s line was it anyways.

“That happens a lot in Weird, which boasts a high enough hit-to-miss ratio in its gags to succeed as a comic biopic but can’t help milking the gags that hit until their freshness evaporates.”

If this movie “has the same issues as Walk Hard” it’s probably going to be really really good!

Al Yankovic is the one person I believe represents all that is good in humanity. If I found out he was a racist or some kind of sex criminal, I honestly don't know if I could recover.