
Stevens needs to give up on this quixotic nonsense and run against John Cornyn.

Are all the things in that quoted point 6 things that actually exist in the AAF? Because I’ve never heard of any of them.

Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t find “Where is he going to sign?!” drama to be interesting in any sport.

Seattle Spoonmen

Yeah, not going to be that bothered if one guy gets 11.9 seconds and another gets 12.2. Especially when at the nine-second mark the ump tells him to get moving.

It’s so annoying to watch MLB go through this farcical process when the rules already include a clock, and it’s shorter than 20 seconds! Rule 5.07(c):

You may be retroactively projecting some of Mark Davis’s well-deserved shit onto Al.

“We’re gonna miss payroll unless somebody floats us $100M+ pronto.” How much can payroll for a small minor football league possibly be?

Hey, 300 is technically under 12,000.

Nothing worse than having to listen to some guy droning on about his long-rejected dumb idea.

Between Manfred and the owners, it’s hard to shake the feeling that they’re trying to wreck the sport for some reason.

the Trump supporters we see in ever-growing millions these days

Murray’s probably not a great test case for MLB, because most future players making a decision between sports won’t be Heisman winners projected to go early in the first round. His rookie NFL contract will pay him something like 5-6x his MLB signing bonus. Four years later, if he’s good, he’ll be making much more on

Whenever Irsay lobs the opening tweet for a philosophical debate on whether “all time” refers to time only up to the present or includes all future time as well, you know he’s gotten into the good stuff.

The Marlins traded all their good players, but at least they got a bottom tier farm system out of it.

Maybe somewhere around Barstow would be good, on the edge of the desert.

It was bad in the same way a 73-63 game would be bad: There was no balance. Contributing to that lack of balance was Jared Goff shitting himself repeatedly by, for example, just standing there waiting to take a 12-yard sack instead of throwing the ball away.

This really hinges on “most widely hated” vs. “most deeply hated.” Nobody’s sending Brady death threats.

Many were not fans of Jackie Robinson.