Godot's 17th Cup

No joke, I’ve actually been considering re-subbing to their DVD/Blu-ray rental service; as great and convenient as streaming has generally been for TV watching, I’ve long found the film selection to be seriously lacking across most services, and the increasing fragmentation of streaming libraries as more major players

Missile would’ve been a great video game dog even if his role had been limited to plucky comic relief, but the way he’s incorporated into the main plot is what makes him the all-time greatest video game dog.

Okami, Shadow of the Colossus, Metal Gear Solid 3, Persona 4, We Love Katamari, Dragon Quest VIII, Yakuza 2, Suikoden V, Resident Evil 4 (though I’ll always think of it as a GC game), Burnout Revenge and Final Fantasy XII are all still big favorites of mine, to say nothing of the dozens of other PS2 games that I spent

They’re long gone now, but back when the Wii was in its prime, I always liked playing around with the goofier apps Nintendo would make for it, like Everybody Votes and Check Mii Out

Honestly, as surprising as this whole turn of events is, more than anything I’m stunned that Nintendo even talked about this, let alone in such a public way. Historically, Nintendo just doesn’t comment about this kind of stuff, at least not until a GDC-type post-mortem well after release, and certainly never while

I didn’t post here much even before the Kinjacolypse, but I’ve stuck around and lurked for many years, because from Gameological to the AV Club to Kinja to whatever happens after Univision sells the place off, you’ve helped craft and maintain maybe the most thoughtful and welcoming little community in which to discuss

This isn’t really the point of the post, but man, that video just reminded me of how gorgeous the music in Amiss Abyss is.

I always feel like running through a goddamn brick wall every single time those character themes transition into “Decisive Battle II” during a boss fight.

And I love using Inquire/Scrutinize on everyone I can find; there are so many neat little nuggets of info you can uncover and, just like the bad ass old man in Heather’s post, they’ll sometimes provide context for why those NPCs interact the way that do with the other character’s path actions. Why can’t Tressa just

I adore this game and all of the little stories you can come across.

That’s a good point, I’d completely forgotten about the environment Tropical Freeze came out in. The oddly muted, and occasionally even nasty, reaction to the game’s mere existence during development was something that just kind of faded from my mind.

You gotta have references to twenty-year-old Real World seasons in there somewhere.

I really hope this new release will give Tropical Freeze the audience it deserves. It’s one of the best sidescrollers I’ve ever played, but, oddly for a 1st-party Nintendo game, sometimes it feels like people don’t even know it exists.

I’d say my two most-anticipated titles for 2018 are Project Octopath Traveler (or whatever its name ends up being) and Dragon Quest XI.

I’m still working my way through Ace Attorney Investigations 2 (currently in the middle of case 3) and I’m still really digging it so for. I couldn’t quite figure out who the killer of case 2 was until the very last section - and even then, there were a couple of moments when I thought my assumptions had been wrong

I finally started playing the Gyakuten Kenji 2 fan translation, Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth: Prosecutor’s Path, and I have to say that I’m incredibly impressed with what I’ve seen so far.

Metal Gear Solid. I tried it twice, first via the original PS1 release and then the Twin Snakes remake a few years later, but it just would not stick at all. Whenever I tried to play it like a straight action game, I’d die quickly, and whenever I tried to do things more stealthily like the game wanted, I’d get spotted

These books really helped me get through some tough times growing up, and I still hold them near and dear to my heart, but the occasionally overwhelming intensity of the Harry Potter fandom in general, and especially on the internet, is what helped me learn that being a part of a capital “F” Fandom isn’t really for me

I’m gonna miss Miiverse, though its death has been an inevitability for years now. Sometimes you could get a genuinely helpful tip while you were stuck on something or find some pretty neat art, just like Nintendo dreamed of when they first envisioned the service, but mostly I’ll miss the beautiful shitposting

I often feel like Stardew Valley is Harvest Moon refined into the best version of itself, and one of its greatest strengths is that it’s really easy to jump into; between the first in-game week and the early quests, the game wastes little time in both introducing, and giving the player access to, the most prominent