
It's not that he's under-rated. Cerca 2006, he was king of the hill. However, his starring vehicles skewed much more romcom than Hart's, which are more action-oriented, and his loud bro character got a bit grating. Combined with the backlash when his joke-stealing went public, he kind of got put in comedian jail.

stoppppp mommmmm, you're making me blush

You should see what happens when I walk past a mirror

oh that's because you are my bf

Wow this is exactly how my bf described it to me


Do you know if the rumor that her baked goods were actually storebought was true?

Curious what you thought was "insultingly stupid"? Could be I'm too dumb to realize how dumb I am but I watched it two nights ago and was shocked at how relatively tight it was (all storylines considered) while imbuing pretty much every scene with a shit-ton of heart.

I mean…I don't completely disagree, but dude clearly has issues beyond his tempestuous relationship with the public.

I have tons of empathy for people tormented by demons. I have significantly less for those who take those demons out on other people, particularly physically.


There's a tiny section of youtube where people claiming to have DID post vlogs featuring their different 'personalities'. Too chilling for me to think they're acting.

How so? The show treated her as the moral center and fount of reason.

Dude…Miranda. Not here to defend Carrie but Miranda Miranda Miranda.

AHHHH I just watched this for the first time ever on Amazon so this is amazing timing. I don't have anything to add except I was blown away at how before its time it was in terms of the sexual and emotional dilemmas it was brave enough to discuss. (Not all of that holds up well - Carrie's treatment of bisexuals is

Some h8rz think that the music is secondary to the actual plot/themes/characters, which makes the songs/dances 1. annoying, and 2. useless. While that's definitely the case with bad musicals, it can be helpful to ease those poor souls into the genre with movies like LA LA LAND or ONCE, where the characters are


Anyone know the name of the song at 1:02? Yes, I looked up the lyrics, I'm not a complete neanderthal.

I've always thought of her as this generation's Michael Jackson, but Madonna's a fair comparison too.

Watching today made me realize from the titles, with their typewriter-esque feel, that perhaps Jane is telling us the story. I haven't seen the original telenovela, but I would definitely not be surprised if, in the end, this is from her book. (I mean, duh, the episodes are called chapters.) If this has been obvious