
It doesn't, but people have known he was back for months now when photos of him on set leaked.

Totally! And I'm not trying to bodyshame her - she looks gorgeous - I just worry about how some younger girls/women might see her promoting her movie about anorexia on the covers of these magazines where she looks super skinny and wonder if that's something they should try to look that good. But that probably speaks

Right. Not trying to bodyshame her or anything, I just think it's ethically poor marketing/promotional synergy.

It really disturbs me seeing Lily Collins on the cover of magazines looking ultra skinny/sexy to promote this movie, especially given her own personal past with anorexia. I know she says she's healthy now so it's nothing personal against her, but it just feels vaguely gross to make that connection given the film's

I mean, I'd be whiny and judgmental if I saw one of my friends cheating on her boyfriend/my other friend.

Lol. My grandmother was on eHarmony less than two years after her husband of over 50 years passed.

Yup. Some really great performances and moments.

you troll you

I have little love for Zimmer but damn that's endearing

No love for Marianelli? Pride & Prejudice is one of my favorite scores.

Haven't listened to his Person of Interest stuff but I'm a big fan of his work on Game of Thrones.


I ended up listening to most of his new album the other day and was pretty impressed. It's very polished rock, but I like the sound (can't think of any other mainstream pop star going this route in the recent past) and his voice is undeniably great. (Especially on Sign of the Times.)

They loved the concept more than the actual season, I think. A lot of Murphy shows (GLEE, AHS, SCREAM QUEEN) are tailored towards teen girls. And teen girls fucking love the idea of being badass witches more than they love the reality of horrific storytelling.

I love the idea but I think it needs a twist - so it's not just songs you hate (aka comedians endlessly spewing negativity), but maybe songs you hate to love (comedians forced to fess up to their guilty pleasures and defend them)


Is this girl high on coke…like…all the time?

Do you have anything on this I can read? I'm totally inclined to believe you, just haven't come across anything saying that. (Not that I've been looking.)

They are awfully precocious, but I feel like the notion of one all-inclusive sex talk is pretty antiquated. Sex was purely explained to Ziggy on a biological level today (penis inside vagina), which is a lot different than the kind of moral/emotional consequences sex talk that Abby desperately needs.

Oh shit which Hiatus Kaiyote song?