
Damn. Not even one month into 2015 and I've already read the best interview of the year.

Looks like I Better Call Saul.

I'm going to be DIVERGENT and say that I liked this film better than 2/3 of the Hunger Games movies. Sue me, bitches.

Going back to the last series (no, I'm not over it yet), Sean clearly deserved to win over Sampson-Samuel-Samsung. Crying racism is a strong allegation - it probably had more to do with Sean's lack of a strong onscreen personality - but it's still not cool that a kid of color was shot down because he was too "nice".

Cory was a bit of a spazz, but Andrew's over the top screaming at the meringue blenders really left a bad taste in my mouth (haha culinary jokes are fun), so I'm inclined to blame their failure on his dictatorship. Also, I'm so sick of the twisted decisions on who stays and who goes that I'm considering giving up on

There's been a lot of weird stuff this season: Coach is weirded out by a woman with strong arms, Schmidt mourns the potential reduction of Cece's boobs for an entire episode. In the past, the show has pulled these plots off with a lot more grace than I could have ever thought possible, but there was no flip or twist

I would be down for a spin-off consisting entirely of Danny sneaking into showers with other guys. Or porn. Either way.

You called?

Speaking of powerful women, We Need to Talk About Eve. Can we have more of her? Why don't we have more of her?

Was it just me, or did Lange look especially gorgeous in this episode? Also, Jimmy's mic stand drop - so angsty. So dumb. In the show's defense, I really liked the fact that Bette chose Dot over basically everything she's ever dreamed of. That was unexpected but refreshing.

Just a crazy guess (emphasis on the crazy), but it may have been a joke.