Godli Dabju

A lot of dumb people like to cite Sowell because he is a black conservative with a Harvard degree so he must be an expert, right? And for years, he used that intellectual cache to blatantly lie and misrepresent facts.

Nashville is the spiritual home of every suburban girl who claims to be “country at heart” because she owns cowboy boots and her parents are racist.

Probably because he’s a conservative hack dressed in libertarian clothes trying to get black people to buy into supply-side economics, racial pseudoscience and the merit myth.

“Brown later offered to pay Tedeschi in social media advertising, which Tedeschi said he didn’t accept.”

Fuck boomers, they’re singlehandedly responsible for the mass exodus of “Made in America” and then in their senile, milkshake and bagel dementia turn around and cry about how manufacturing left the US. Fucking cancers. The faster boomers die the better. Fuck those shitstains

I'm more worried about the Boomers who *aren't* aging.

What is the statute of limitations on pantsing someone anyways? I’m almost two decades removed from middle school and I’d really hate for something like this to bite me in the ass now.

Was it brunette or blonde Katy?

fan of a rapist QB. Classy

Thankfully, this particular situation was quickly defused because one of the officers attending the incident lives in Bugha’s neighbourhood and recognised the teen.

The actress was Chloe Grace Moretz, and they were just reenacting their 30 Rock characters’ feud.

Pretty sure both of those are movies included with my Desus & Mero (Showtime) subscription.

Sure thing Bryant, my conservative father-in-law  

Yeah, you’re right. This sounds exactly like ‘Bitch Hunter’ or ‘MILF Island’.

What about Mark Davis’ helmet though? 

That Betty White meme is going to be the answer to anything and everything for quite a while longer, I’m afraid... Do we even want to imagine the scenario if the colour scheme were reversed? I kinda don’t.

How in the F**K does a judge release this scumbag back on to the streets?!?! He has already admitted that he does not have the “Impulse Control” to NOT attempt murder!!

Absolutely no to Season 3. Season 2 was completely unnecessary, although it wasn’t as bad as it could have been: specifically, Meryl Streep may be the only person in the world who could make Mary Louise a credible antagonist rather than a mustache-twirling villain. Despite everything, she and Kidman made that

big little payoff

First rule of being a feckless suit: you don't talk about being a feckless suit.