Pitaro was hoisted by his own Le Batard.
Pitaro was hoisted by his own Le Batard.
Of course Europe makes you better. Spend five minutes with anyone who studied abroad and they’ll tell you.
But if she teams up with Goop...
That sentence defuriated me.
Devin Hester taking it to the house on the first play of the Super Bowl was the most joy I have ever felt as a Bears fan. Shame they had to end the game right after that play and nothing else happened.
What a spit in the face to the troops. Dozens of brave soldiers made it their duty to testify against and prosecute this evil fucker, and President Trump just flushed their hard work down the toilet.
Each team should get a set number of Crime Points that can be assigned to individual players as crimes are committed, and once a player reaches, say, 51 Crime Points then a graduating set of punishments would be assigned by the league based on the player’s total Crime Points over a 3-year period. After 3 years, the…
“issues with the MAX 8.”
She did the correct thing. Fuck those platitudes. A trump supporter killed dozens. Fuck thoughts and prayers.
+1. Well done.
Jesus, how does this have so few stars?!
between this and Manafort’s sentencing, pretty big day for ignoring RapSheets
Culvers pay’s very well compared to the minimum wage where they are located.
Yeah, if I could have found a pic of a kid out in the snow with no winter coat, that would’ve been the clear choice.
Oh, dang. The longterm focus should certainly be less on what they earn and more on what they accomplish, but I did find it striking how this study linked those characteristics (now) to higher income (later). I also believe these kids could grow up to be leaders who enact real, lasting, meaningful change, regardless…
Parenting is basically constantly walking the line between “You need to do what I say when I say it” and “I want you to be independent and strong-willed and confident and question authority and don’t accept ‘because I said so’ or ‘because that’s how it’s always been done’ as good enough answers.” Like, be all those…
To the other commenters, where did they act like they cured inequality? They proved a point and people, like local news, took notice. That’s like step #1 of deconstructing white supremacy - using your privilege to not only acknowledge it exists but also right the wrongs it produced.
I see this divergence around what’s…
I’m rarely a fan of escalating on-court shenanigans into actual courts, but that’s assault.
The ad wasn’t for Trump running for president. He’s not a candidate for anything this year. So what you cited does not apply.