
Even within Jackass there was a clear hierarchy or who was funny based on who the regular target was. Like Knoxville: hilarious. Always takes the brunt of whatever, comes out laughing. Margera: Flatly unfunny. Smug side-talking jagoff who always just targeted his parents, or his stunt was “I’m good at skateboards.”

Oh I absolutely will fuck with Jackass. It was a great show, and those three movies were a blast. I think Kotaku wrote an article that one of the main reasons people find Jackass so endearing is that the jokes are almost always on the cast themselves.

Fuck IPAs. They’re the Budweiser of craft beer and driving up the prices of all beer since there was a bug hop shortage last year.

False. All of my dreams about Weezer involve never having to hear from or about them ever again because, hot take, Weezer is as bad as Train. Just because a song is catchy doesn’t make it “good”.

I would argue that CB4 is a tepid comedy (and it sadly overshadowed the much better, funnier Fear of a Black Hat) but, my god, the Afrocentric rap kills me, everytime!

I’m surprised no one chose a scene from Freddie Got Fingered, even though that movie is amazing.

The sad irony is that David in his old age became that guy...His most recent comments and things he’s said are cliches of this character from 20 years ago...who was satirizing guys from 20 years prior to that...

Gee, I’m real sorry your career blew up, Ricky.

Sir Billy Snedden, an Australian politician, died “at the peak of physical congress,” as the police put it. Nearly 20 years later, his son was involved with the same woman, and made sure to notify the public that his father assuredly died happy, saying, “Anyone would be proud to die on the job.”

Damn, I would have thought Cum Town would have the “Most Problematic” award locked up.

The only good thing about Gorka is James Adomian’s spot on impersonation.

I’m not watching the video but I’m assuming Into Yer Shtik by Mudhoney is included?

In college, a friend had a NASCAR PC game. The only game we actually played was start a race with a pace lap so the cars stay bunched together. Then turn around at the start get up to speed and see how many cars you can take out in the initial collision when you meet the pack.


I’m glad you remembered “Testament”. “Threads” gets all the press in these sorts of discussions and is certainly better than “The Day After”, but in terms of actual realism (at least for small towns outside the initial blast radius) “Testament” is probably the most realistic.

Not enough mentions of James Adomian’s hilarious Sebastian Gorka impression, where he is both clueless and getting more menacing every time he calls “Mr. Chapo.” He is their dark Philly Boy Roy, and I hope we get more of him before the real Gorka is kicked to the curb.

It was a Game of Thrones reference to establishment liberal pricks that includes everyone in the center you moron

is there a funnier 2016 election joke in the world than “I may not be Dale Earnhardt but I smashed into the wall because I failed to turn left”