
Please tell me that they’re going to paint a mural of Jerry Brown’s 1-900 number on the wall of the loft again.

Has the A. V. Club drifted so far away from its Mr. Show-loving roots that it fails to even point out a Jay Johnston cameo? Are the commenters so lost that it falls to a schnook like me, stuck in the grays of Kinja, to point it out? Good Lord, what have we become?

Pretending that “covfefe” is a word and not a typo is up there with altering a weather map with a sharpie for the dumbest events of the Trump presidency, suggesting a level of dumbness so profound that there is an inability to conceive that anyone else might not be also that dumb 

“Save that piss for my chest.”

More like Bob racked up more horse racing debt. 

AV Club: Kinja was pretty disappointing.

It didn’t seem to exist at all. There were the two guys escorting Jon out of the city, but there were only Wildlings at Castle Black. I think it was just a ruse to trick Grey Worm. The Night’s Watch no longer exists, and everyone else knew Jon would run off with the Wildings.

I love that Jon was apparently stupid enough to confess despite there being no body.

The other lords laughing at him was the only part of the episode that felt real.

Yara: “Wait, we can do that?”

Davos lived! Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!

So it turns out all those prophecies and the R+L=J stuff were completely pointless.

I don’t like the execution, but if people didn’t think Dany would end up being the villain, they never understood the show they were watching.

Oh God, fuck this. I have my misgivings about it too, but I am so done with entitled dipshit fans like these.

My favourite celebrity cameo last night remains the sequence where Daenerys was played by Henry Kissinger.

Jon’s usefulness ended the second the battle started. I am pretty surprised Grey Worm didn’t have secret orders to turn around and knife him.

I kind of wish he had a super heavy Minnesotan accent, and I also kind of wish when he killed Theon he would have looked right at the camera and had asked: “Cold enough for ya?”.

My favorite part:
Bran: [Knowing how this all ends]: Theon, you’re a really good guy now so you should die saving me.
Theon: Runs screaming toward death itself [dies]
Arya: [Ninja-flying death stab]
Bran: ha ha! [Nelson voice]

Glad to see military genius Jon Snow once more lead his forces into certain doom, only to be saved by someone not under his command.