
Please tell me that they’re going to paint a mural of Jerry Brown’s 1-900 number on the wall of the loft again.

Edi Patterson should have been nominated for The Righteous Gemstones.


Manfred Mann’s version of “Blinded By The Light” was way better than Bruce’s original. There, I said it...

I decided to go on a trip to Memphis after seeing Mystery Train for the first time.

They renamed it Coke II after awhile, it was around until at least ‘92 or so.

In the next episode there’s going to be a magic cave and Jon’s going to have to sacrifice himself to save Westeros. After he dies, he’ll wake up in a sept and everyone who ever died in the series will be there. Ned, Mace Tyrell, Lommy Greenhands, everyone... Edd pats him on the back, he awkwardly hugs Ygritte. The

Joffrey is Trump

- There’s a 100% chance that Theon and Grey Worm die (especially after Grey Worm’s “ a cop two days from retirement” speech).

Hot Pie, the first of his name.

Robin Arryn is the leader that Westeros deserves.

Tide Pods and the Logan Paul suicide forest video seem like they happened a decade ago.

Slade and T.Rex were both featured in Def Leppard’s “Rocket” video and they both deserved to make the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame before Def Leppard.

I thought that Gritty took off on the left because it looks exactly like Matt Christman from Chapo Trap House.

Arthur is sooooo much better than John.

Cum Town got robbed.

That’s what they get for not respecting their college dean.

King Gizzard is a really great band.

So, I can wear pants that were inexplicably popular in the late 90s while drinking something that was inexplicably popular in the early 90s?