
Wall Street and Silicon Valley, maybe. You could even add the Democratic party to that list for embracing neoliberal economic ideas. But I don’t think you can blame the media or universities for being places that put up with lies and close-minded thinking.

Feeling abandoned =/= being abandoned. (Inter)national economies have a tendency toward increased complexity (more institutions, more interactions between institutions) . That complexity leads to citizens feeling overwhelmed, and experiencing Loss of agency, where in fact, their agency is not compromised, but in fact,

Abandoned them how?  By not buying into their fairy tale myths about reality?

Of course Pence still uses a fucking AOL account. He’s probably got a stockpile of those fucking CDs so he doesn’t have to pay for it......

Because conservatives have refused to live in reality for over a decade, and this is the kind of protective logic they have to resort to now...

The problem wasn’t “but her EMAILS,” it was “but HER emails.”

I’m not sure how things work outside the US, but inside of it, the universe and laws of physics have decided that what’s bad and unsafe as a Democrat behavior is completely acceptable as a Republican behavior. This also explains why Republicans can get backdoor abortions for their mistresses, but abortion, over all,

No, Trump is a patriot. Genius! Dealmaker in Chief! Nobody’s been tougher on Russia! Nobody has more respect for women! He has the best words! He’s draining the swamp! He surrounds himself with the best people! It’s infrastructure week, again! He says what he thinks! He’s a straight shooter! He’s going to look at that

Pence used an AOL account for official communications AND IT WAS HACKED. Jared and Ivanka are known to use a personal email server. Trump was reportedly using a Galaxy S3 (this was a guess, I believe), which hasn’t seen an update since 2012. All told, SIX Trump administration officials have been known to use a private

Well, yes, but the problem is, our President is a racist lying hypocrite who doesn’t care about such things when they don’t suit him.

They never really cared about the emails. The GOP never really cares about the things they go after Democrats for, they’re just being opportunistic.

See, but that was really different. It’s email, not phone, and Clinton was a Democrat, not a Republican, and she’s a woman.

They didn’t offer an opinion. They asked a question of Americans about the obvious hypocrisy of our leaders. That’s not an opinion. Hopefully this will help you identify the difference in the future.

Hey Bud - if you’re not American, then it’s none of your business! Criticizing the president and any other crusty sack of shit in office is OUR JOB! Stay in your lane!

I’m convinced that in an alternate timeline, we’re entering month 15 of the Benghazi-email/Comet Pizza-Vincent Foster impeachment hearings.

You just know that Kelly has daydreams about snatching Trump’s shitty Android out of his baby hands and smashing it into a million pieces. Then threatening to pistol whip anyone who attempts to replace it.

Isn’t that exactly what he asked HIllary CLinton get locked up for? Crooked Hillary. Who he still insults and smears every single day. Her big crime was using her own blackberry, right?

That’s exactly what it is! “Us” did not vote for the current embarrassment in office AND want Net Neutrality to remain in place. “Them” did vote for the current embarrassment in office and are happy to stand by and watch it all crumble. If you are one of “them” but you think net neutrality should remain, pick up the

It’s not ‘us vs them’ between Democrats and Republicans.