The real answer for #4 and #1:
Well that was the stupidest fucking ad I've ever seen. And I've seen some really stupid fucking ads. And, oh, Busta, why? Just why? Have you really fallen that far? Sad.
290 mph "range?" If you're going to go big, just go all the way and aim for the triple century. Trying for 290 ish is like grilling a filet mignon to perfection than drowning it in Hunts ketchup. 300 or bust.
Virginia... Yeah, no kidding. I'm just surprised it wasn't higher for most citations also, though they may have just looked at the total number, not per capita or similar.
Um...what? No. Dragoning is where its at.
I thought a kitty loaf was an unusually large cat turd. But that works, too.
It's also hit or miss buying a used vehicle. Unless you buy from a family member or close friend, you have no real idea how well it was cared for. Was it properly maintained? Was it beat on? It's a crap shoot.
Yeah, because only GM vehicles have issues after 13 years.
The panic factor is probably the largest issue/cause. It's just like people going on about how hitting a deer can be deadly. The chances of dying are so ridiculous it's a non-issue; it's that many people freak out and run into a tree after Bambi took a header off their hood.
Neutral: Will we ever know how many people really died from the ignition switch failure?