
Let's break this down, shall we? Pics are below for reference to my points.

#10—- I live in Virginia, one of the 6 "must move if blocking traffic" states. I am constantly getting held up by rolling road blocks with two jackasses (well, OK, maybe only one of them is a jackass) side by side going the exact same speed... for miles. Often going under the limit, which, being Virginia, is already

Might be the clear-coated carbon fiber.

There's been speculation that the ZO6 may have two engines available, an SC and a NA, which goes along with their new mantra for the Vette of offering the customer plenty of options to tailor the car to whatever they want. Road racers will prefer the NA, drag racers (and the street brawler types?) the SC. The ZR1

There is a high probability that it will have a duel clutch. There was a leak a while back of some patent applications of one. When the C7 debuted and both the auto and manual had paddles on the wheel, I knew they were getting ready for it and figured it would be either for the ZO6/ZR1 and/or be available a year or

Well that escalated quickly.


So... GM fails because a dealer wants a big markup on one of it's products? Huh? High demand for it's product equals a fail???

Now playing

I would have just done what the guy in this clip did...

"bolted a big fancy camera rig to the engine block of a McLaren 12C (I guess because the engine mounts provide good vibration dampening?)"

I'm a bit dissapointed. I live just 20 miles from Wallops Flight Facility, but had to miss the launch because of work... Oh, well.

That may be the greatest Photoshop in the history of Photoshop.

The death of SPEED was a self fulfilling prophecy. It was doing just fine until FOX turned it into the NASCRAP channel. When revenue and ratings dropped because not even most NASCRAP fans want to sit and watch people run their mouths for hours at a desk about a race that took place last weekend, they looked at the

Wallops doesn't get a lot of press, but it is responsible for a lot of research and satellite launches. Nothing low budget about it, just not too much fancy stuff. It recently got a "contract" for several big launches over the next few years in addition to the normal stuff, I believe this one is part of it. I live

I'm a mountain biker with no trails near me, the closest decent ones are an hour drive away. I ride on the road some for the exercise, but when I need dirt under my tires, I have to drive to it. It's a common problem. Then you have the folks and families that want to ride somewhere nice, not ride through crap to get

I didn't know Dick was an enthusiast of Ferrar.... wait, what????

While there are plenty of jack-off dealers that will do this, plenty of good dealers won't. I've already heard about many dealers that deal with a lot of Corvettes say they will not gauge at all, the bad press and pissed customers aren't worth it. It was a while ago, so my memory is a bit fuzzy on which ones, but it