
My best friend got rear-ended at a red light years ago because the guy coming up from behind yawned. While he and his wife were relaying the story to me and a couple of other friends I was like, "So; what's that got to do with it?" Everyone goes; "you close your eyes when you yawn; duh." I apparently am a freak of

To put this into perspective, Mr. and Mrs. Hill (their actual payout after splitting with the Arizona winner and paying taxes is $192.5 mil.) compared to someone with a net wealth of $57k, which is the median wealth for Americans as of 2010

You're not supposed to say what you are referencing; that's a nerd faux pas. You're supposed to leave the non-nerds wondering.

For many people it is more about the car then the experience. Personally, I take both into consideration, and to get the best experience, you have to. I know that sounds like a "chicken or the egg" paradox, but I'm sure you get what I mean. Unfortunately in today's society of materialistic values, most don't.

I agree completely, though with my obvious bias, it would not be a hard decision beyond ZR1 vs. Z06. Z06 with the full Carbon and performance packages. Although I would probably take the mag shocks, because they are SO DAMN GOOD, but screw the rest of the nannies, though it would also depend on money. If I was being

The tape looks kinda tight, like it may be cutting off her, um, circulation. I'd volunteer to assist her, but apparently its dangerous.

And mass = weight* for this conversation, so all is good.

"Driving with defective equipment?" That law is designed for those that willfully drive with something broken, not someone who experiences a failure in the process of driving. So unless his truck was severely neglected (thereby making the failure imminent and expected), the ticket should not hold up. Unless

3rd: I know the border is kind of a big joke, but last I heard, Mexico is still a foreign country. NAFTA doesn't make us all one big happy country, it just lets us trade stuff cheaper.

That is exactly what prison is designed for. A place where people who are a danger/menace to society can either be rehabilitated, or just simply kept away from the rest of us if they are not capable of rehabilitation, and this guy clearly falls into the later.

Things I've personally witnessed ( marked with *) fall/fly out of vehicles or saw the remnants of; ignoring the way too common yard debris, common construction debris, and regular garbage:

Kind of hard to tell in a small pic, but it appears you fared pretty well. I would expect a lot more damage for a 70 mph run in with any large object. Not to downplay what happened, it still totally sucks, and I'm sure that while the damage looks minimal, it was probably still extensive and costly. I would have been

No problem; I've heard that too. I think you pretty much summed it up, just a little off on the timing of when they did what. I'm no expert either, just remembered that they started sometime in the turn-of-the-century area and joined with Benz in the 20's, so when I saw your post it made me curious about the naming.

1901 with the Mercedes 35 hp, actually; though they did not call the company that until 1926, as part of the Mercedes and Benz merger so you are right with that part. The 35 hp is considered the first modern car, since Benz's Patent-Motorwagen of 1886 (the first automobile) and others of the era are not really

I can't believe you found a pic of a hottie with a Toyota. I guess rule 34 is real.

Cool; than continue to correct people that don't need correcting. You'll fit in just fine.

You must be new here.

It also makes me wonder about all the other people involved that went along/allowed/contributed to this. Didn't anyone speak up and say, "this might not be a good idea." It takes hundreds of people to put on a large auto show, and surely the guy who came up with this wasn't the Emperor and everyone else went along

"...wanted one that drove like a modern sports car, not a wheelbarrow full of severed heads."

I know the road up is all paved, but I believe the summit still has some.